
???Where wer you on september 11????

by Guest59455  |  earlier

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???Where wer you on september 11????




  1. i was still in our bedroom, half asleep. my husband was doing coffee and started yelling to turn the TV on. i did, and replied, that i have ,,enough,, of sci-fi movies and i don,t wanna watch it. then he said to me, that this is real, and is actually happening right now.i remember, how i jumped, St. Augustine is 1400 miles south of NYC, but that morning, it was like it happened in our backyard. work, that day was basically just doing phone calls and watching TV. was unbelievable, like a bad dream with no end.

  2. a ischia in vacanza non sono nemmeno scesa mangiare il tempo per me si era fermato

  3. At work, which happens to be full time for the National Guard. We set up our TV in a conference room, silently watching what was going on in the world-the day I felt the most helpless that I ever had-since the reason I joined was to help! Yes, it has an effect on my everyday life-to this day. It has changed the way the entire nation's National Guard units operate on a daily basis and has changed the expectations of every branch of service.

  4. I was in school, I was in third grade. I just remember everyone talking about it and having no idea what was going on until I got home and saw it on the news.

  5. I was at work. A guy came over to my desk and asked me if I had heard about a plane crashing into the WTC. I thought he was talking about a little twin engine plane that some idiot had crashed by accident..................

  6. I was In bed getting ready for school. I was in 6th Grade. That day was my birthday and was not celebrated that day. I get teased when my birthday comes up. It doesn't bother me personally.

  7. In bed.

  8. at home 7 months pregnant.  I'd just sent my oldest to school and had the Today show on not really paying attention, when I caught the plane hit the second tower.  Stayed in my bed stunned the rest of the day.

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