
Where were YOU when they were handing out cuts & bruises?

by Guest56167  |  earlier

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Where were YOU when they were handing out cuts & bruises?




  1. i must have been at the front of the line cuz i sure did get more than my fair share of those!

  2. Sadly, right at the front when they gave out the most painful ones.

  3. front of the line

  4. I was buying bandaids and Neosporin.


  5. making sure i got my share of lacerations and gouges  

  6. Running away shouting "Nar nar na-na na".

  7. I must have been at the back of the queue.

    Mind you, judging by the amount of insect bites I got this weekend, I think I was at the head of that one.

  8. Hiding behind my mammy!

  9. First in the line!

  10. In the line right beside it where they were handing out sprained ankles and split ends.

  11. Getting pampered by my fiance...

  12. First in line. I have the scars to prove it. Oh well, something to show the grandkids i guess!

  13. standing in the bandaide line

  14. Church.

  15. in the queue for looks and brains

  16. in the middle of the line

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