
Where were you 3 hours ago?

by  |  earlier

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Where were you 3 hours ago?




  1. pizza hut, port lavaca, texas, thinking about where to go to avoid the first hurricane of the season due to arrive in about 36 hours....

  2. in bed still

  3. at my job (i deliver papers on my bike around town)

  4. With my boyfriend lol!!! ♥ What about you??

  5. lying on a beach on the east coast of hawaii watching moon glare off the ocean and the waves break on the shore.... but now its time to get ready for work... BLAH!

  6. asleep

  7. I was at work off at 4:30 an early day today but I'm still beat =)

  8. In my kitchen sorting out my freezer!

  9. sleeping!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

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