
Where were you born, where have you lived, where to you live now, and what are your ethnic backgrounds?

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was born in america in Illinois still live here, and am Scottish/Irish, French, German, Norwegian, and Cherokee Indian.




  1. Born in Nottingham, England, I have always lived in England, and English.

  2. Born in England

    Lived in England and Gibraltar

    Currently living in England

    Ethnic background - English, Belgian and Swiss.

  3. Born - Pennyslvania

    Lived - Alabama, Arizona, California, Maryland, Michigan, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Dakota.

    Two different times in Arizona, Maryland, and Pennsylvania

    Now - Michigan

    Ancestors from England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, France, Germany, and the Netherlands

  4. Born in Colorado.  I've lived in Colorado, Pennsylvania, New York, Vermont & Georgia.  I currently live in Georgia.  I am german, slovak, scottish & english.

  5. Birkenhead,

    USA, England, Germany,


    Irish, English

  6. Born In Geneva

    Lived Italy , Oman, Finland, SaudiArabia, USA, UK, Japan, Jordan, Spain, Greece, Portugese, Saudi Arabia ,Swiss, Norway, Bahrain, Kuwait ,China, India, Mexico,

    France, Argentina, Chile, Brazilia and others which I cant remember...

    Now Chicago

    I am Irish/Scottish

  7. Born in Australia, indian ancestry, raised in and living the USA

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