
Where were you when 9-11 happened?

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We all remember exactly where we were & what we were doing when we heard of this. I had worked 3rd shift and had unusually stayed up late into the morning, normally I would have been asleep. I turned on the TV just as it they were breaking the news. Of course I got on the phone, called my husband at work, my cousin, etc.




  1. I was in Mumbai- the city of dreams! I was jobless. Sitting inside of a rest house... I was watching the news but didn't really watch it. I mean my eyes were on the T.V. but I was thinking something else. I don't remember what I was thinking or where I was lost. I think I was worried about my life there as I had been in search of a good job in vain. I had nobody there except my friend with whom I could not stay as he used to sleep in his office at night. So, I was staying at a rest house. I remember an old Muslim man came in talking aloud about the incident and only then I came to understand or know what was happening in the world.

    About meals... hmm... I think I had not taken my meals and was going hungry because I had no money left with me. That was really great!

  2. I was in fourth grade. In the morning after phy.ed class, my teacher took our class to sit on a baseball bench just outside of the school. It was sunny and 80 degrees where I lived and we had no idea what we were doing. She explained that in the past two hours four planes had been hijacked and crashed into the WTC towers, the Pentagon, and one in a field. As a 9 year old I didn't know what these buildings were. Tens of thousands of people were supposedly dead. I remember her describing what had happened, but not totally understanding it. Later that day, we all went into the library and saw footage of New York City. I still didn't know what exactly happened. It was the only thing that anyone talked about on the bus ride home. When I got home my dad was watching coverage on TV. He said it was a day that none of us would ever forget. I was very young when it happened, but he was right. I still remember the tiniest details about that day.

  3. It was my senior year of high school and I was in band first period when the first one hit. I didn't hear about it until after class. And then all the classes I went to for the rest of the day had the news on.

  4. I had been living in Kyoto, Japan since 1996. It was in the evening and I  was just showing up to Starbucks to meet up with my friends after work. My friend said something about an accident with a plane hitting the World Trade Center. I looked at CNN news on my cellphone and saw the story. Wow, it seemed strange that an accident like that would happen. Then the news came in that a second plane had hit and we realized that this wasn't an accident. We went to the Pig and Whistle, a foreigners bar and asked them to turn on CNN and sat there and watched in shock while some young  Japanese kids carried on laughing and having fun like they couldn't see that anything had happened. After awhile an Afghani guy that taught at uni there was kindof standing around making comments about America having brought it on themselves. Someone told him that this wasn't the right place or time for that kind of talk. It wasn't long before the Japanese news crew showed up and wanted to get some foreigners on camera. I told them not to film me.

    The next morning when I went in to work, I personally felt like the world had changed, but my young Japanese high school students came into class laughing and having fun. They saw me watching something on TV about the towers and made some comment about 'oh yeah, that happened'....I felt like I was from a completely different world than them.....

  5. at work

  6. in bed asleep. (i am in Aus)

  7. I was in bed asleep (Australia). But when I went out to a family day care event I noticed all the "defence" mums all hanging around together. My hubby had just joined the army, so was in Kapooka (basic training). All of a sudden a couple of the RAAF hubby's turned up in their fatigues (these guys normally wear chrisp blue uniforms), and I remember thinking...holy crud...something really bad is happening here!

    Do you want to know the really scary part...for almost a week leading up to 9/11 my then 3 year old son was waking up everynight screaming..."Mummy the plane is coming, the plane is coming...Mummy there is fire!" The night after 9/11 the nightmares stopped! Still gives me chills!

    My heart goes out to all of you in America! Those of you who lost, those of you who witnessed, those of you who simply lost your right to feel safe in your own country...xxxxx

  8. at school

  9. i was visiting my mom in Portland, Maine. We flew in and out of Boston during that whole mess.

    I was on the computer working on an issue for work. My wife was watching the Today show and she said that some plane had flew into the towers...but no one knew just how serious it was until the second plane hit.

    By then, my wife had left for Wal-Mart...when she got to Wal-Mart she saw the second plane hit and turned around and went home. she knew something was not good about this situation.

    what a terrible day that was and the weeks that followed were just as bad.

  10. At home in California...Had just gotten off of a 36 hour shift in the E.R. trying to relax a little on my couch before heading to bed when the news came on and my mom called just a couple of seconds later in astonishment and horror! I remember my eyes filling with tears and so much pain in my heart! I wanted to be there to help!

  11. at work ,edgewater casino in laughlin nv

  12. I worked across the Hudson River from the World Trade Center in N.J.  I was pulling into the parking lot which is up against the edge of the water.  I heard the people on the Howard Stern Show going crazy saying their was a plane headed for the World Trade Tower.  I looked up and I saw the plane hit the building and I saw the huge fireball.  It was a horrible sight. We watched as the fire departments were answering the calls.  My husband was directly across the river and saw the buildings both collapse.  It is something I will never forget and may God Bless all who died on that day, with the exception of the terrorists.

  13. My school was having a fieldtrip,but i missed it because we had to travel 3 hours to go see my grandma,and when i got to her house,it started happening.

  14. At work in government building in D.C. We were sent home after the second plane hit. People living in Virginia had a hard time getting home because of the plane that hit the Pentagon.

  15. I was in high school my junior year and we turned the tv on in class and all my clasess all we did was watch the coverage. I remember a bunch of kids didnt go to school the next day and got pulled out of school.

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