
Where/what is a good place where I can donate clothes???

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I have a lot of clothes that I dont want to wear or I hardly ever wear. I just dont want to throgh them away because i know someone else can use them. I also dont want to sell them to other people. What can I do?




  1. Goodwill or outside wal-mart they have these red bins and you put clothes and shoes in there, it's for less privileged people  

  2. If you serch you area for places where people gather to feed the homeless, like Food not Bombs you could go there, lay your clothes out and let people take them for free. A lot of truley needy people can't even afford clothes  being sold at the Salvation Army because they cost too much. I love giving clothes away free to the homeless. You can also just take a cardboard box, write FREE CLOTHES on it and sit it in a park. People walking by will take everything in the box form my experience. You have a good heart for not just throwing them away!!  

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