
Where/who to complain if an airline ( delta@JFK,NYC ) dumps you?

by  |  earlier

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We - 4 of us - and a number of people were left stranded at JFK for no fault of ours ( the flt ex Cincinati was late - weather UNrelated - ).

No hotels/no food/no water was offered.The ground staff was

so rude and unprofessional that they thought that their duty was to yell at the passengers and threaten them of not accomodating on the next flt/s.

There were old people/folks with medical conditions/small babies BUT THE STAFF JUST CLOSED THE COUNTERS





  1. Customers with complaints about airline service should complain to the US Department of Transportation.  I would also follow up with a letter to Delta if you feel you were mistreated.

    I'm having a bit of trouble following your issue though.  Were you in the terminal or on board the aircraft when you say no food or water was offered?  This makes a big difference in your complaint.  If you were on board, I would bring this up.  If you were in the terminal I would focus on not being reaccommodated, since that will be the crux of your complaint.  Depending on Delta's contract of carriage and the reason for the delay they might not be obligated to provide you with anything else.

    Good luck!

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