
Where will Australia be in 20 years time?

by Guest56106  |  earlier

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At the momment, Australia punches way above it's weight politically, but where do your foresee Australia being in the next 20 years? Will it be in much the same position? Will it gain more respect politically and become more of a world power? As the population grows, will they seek the strengthen their military?

What do you think?




  1. It would be great if we could keep going as we are unfortunatley I think that we will become more of a target and will need to  strenthen our military power more as a show than to actually use it,Australian's really do not want to be number one we will leave that to the big boys we are happy to live in paradise.

  2. They have the brains and the great people to be number one in Asia but they don't have the land.

  3. they will competing with china as the no. 1 world power in the asian region.......or better yet they will be the no. 1 in the whole of asia.

  4. And our population will be 60% other cultures.

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