
Where will be get the great executives and leaders from to tap India's own resources for Making it affluent?

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Whenever asked such questions like: what are the ways to alleviate poverty from India? The real problems to India that hinder it from being a Super Power? Ways to make India self reliant? The main causes India finds itself "looking at fencies of West" for the development related issues... and many others, people tell so many mindbending reasons. Some throw the responsibility on the Politicians, sometimes on economists, and some others blame the system, the government and so on.

Few people give good, thinkworthy answers but again these answers become only the spices of the debates. A handful are those who are working on their ideas with willingness and during thicks and thins. They are the real but silent leaders and executives.

At this point, the question comes whether all this is just for fun -for posting on the web or discussing in debates ?

Tell the things you think, by doing which we can get the change leaders and executives from amongst us - the educated ones - in real life.




  1. The place wher u will get change leader are



    36 garh


    some from USA

  2. Hello ... an apt and relevant question!

    India has a population of over 350 million youngsters in the age-group of 18 to 25. And it is in these dynamic, enthusiastic and ebullient youngsters (who number greater than the US Population) that India would have the Best Bet for the future.

    Now, look at our great resources:

    # We have a total of 16 billion tons of annually renewable vegetation resources (about 10 billion tons in these being non-forest vegetation)

    # Our annual rainfall is of the order of over 3, 500 billion cubic meters, that is enough to give every individual (one billion number) not less than 9, 000 cubic meters of water per day!

    # We have a youth population of over 650 million people, who are able bodied and have great capacity to produce results.

    But, having such wonderful resources is one thing; and converting these into economically productive and valuable materials for national development is a totally different aspect. This would need that:

    @ First, our younger generation (from the age group five upwards) should be taught about OUR OWN resources

    @ Second, our education system would have to be totally revamped so that younger generations from age 5 onward are taught how these could be used for the future of our great nation. If this is done, at least in the next twenty five years, we would reach a level whereby all our people would start real works using our own resources, for our own needs, on our own wisdom. To this end, our teachers and educationists would have to FORGET the idea that Western Intellectual Tradition is our Guide!

    @ Third, the present "foolish" and slave mentality types of Politicians, Executives, Educationists, Economists and other so-called elite (who consider anything Western as the ultimate answer to all our problems) must be some-how eased out.

    Now, coming back to OUR OWN resources, what do these really mean in economic terms? The aforementioned Renewable resources could be developed into:

    # One billion tons of processed and non-processed food

    # One billion tons of Alternate Engineering Materials

    # One billion tons of Alternate Petrochemicals

    # Over 300, 000 MWe power

    # Over 700 million people having Purchasing Power of Rs.100, 000 per annum per person, as against the present paltry Rs.6, 000 per annum

    This writer has started a move, which in small way may create a beginning:

    Through this forum, the writer appeals to all youngsters in the age group 18 to 25 in India, to come forward in large numbers to actively take part in such GREAT NATION BUILDING

    Best wishes


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