
Where will i get software for installing my video driver ?

by  |  earlier

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I found that my computer is running Nvdia geforce 2 mx-400 as graphic card. But i found it only in (command : debug). In device manager i couldn't find it. I found that my video controller is

(vga compatible) in device manager . On (command : dxdiag) it shows

' your system is using generic video driver' . I could not play any games or install

my chipset information


Intel-845G/GE/GL/GV/PE chipset




  1. i had the same exact problem.

    i had a code 12 error in the device manager and the same exact generic video driver telling me to go to the manufacturers' website.

    vga means that your graphic/video card is already embedded in the machine.


    when your computer turns on, before the windowxp(or whatever you have) screen appears, click F8 rapidly.

    then boot in safe mode.

    after that, shut down the computer and then turn it back on after 10 secs.

    if that fails, (it failed me too)

    i noticed that my computer has 2 slots where i could plug my monitor into.

    try plugging your monitor cable into another slot if there is one

    if that doesnt work, then im out of ideas,

    hope this helps

  2. that card wont run vista. i had the same card back in the day.

  3. Download the driver from here , close all windows except the folder in which you downloaded the driver installer and double click on it.

  4. if you are looking for an Nvidia driver, you should go to and look for drivers for your operating system under the downloads section.

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