
Where will i go a moist box from? or how can i make my own?

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Where will i go a moist box from? or how can i make my own?




  1. If you want a naturalistic one, buy the Zoo Med Repti Shelter 3 in 1 Cave ( and fill the bottom with vermiculite.  If you don't need anything fancy do this:


    Small Glad (or other brand) Tupperware Container



    Needleless Syringe or Dropper


    1. Cover the bottom 2" of the container with vermiculite

    2. Cut a circular hole just big enough to move through right above the vermiculite

    3. Insert the dropper or syringe (filled with water) into the vermiculite and empty container, from now on this only needs to be done every time you change the bedding and clean it out

    4. Put in cage

  2. Homemade moisture boxes are grand (I use them myself), but you must be careful of the substrate you use in them to provide the moisture.  Wood chips (I never recommend using woodchips for most animals/reptiles, and especially not wet ones) and vermiculite can be detrimental to lizards/snakes, if ingested.

    It would be much easier to answer this question if we knew what kind of animal you are trying to provide a moist hide for.

    You would be safer in advice, if you would google your specific animal, and its age.

    I hope this has been helpful.

  3. use a cool whip container or something. cut a hole big enough for your reptile, and fill it halfway with moist peat moss.

    another great moist box is called "3 in 1 cave". you can get it from petco. fill it with peat moss just like the plastic container.

  4. Any small plastic container with a lid will do. Cut just a small entry hole in it to prevent evaporation and put a layer of damp moss or bark mulch in the bottom.

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