
Where will my Daughter with moderate special needs get the best education - Australia or the UK?

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Where will my Daughter with moderate special needs get the best education - Australia or the UK?




  1. The lady above me seems to have the right idea on how to seek a good school for your daughter. And I think touring the school & asking questions is a very good idea.

    Good luck

    Staci please note; Australia is and has always been an English speaking country, to infer that Aussies are not patient people is very rude and offensive.

  2. DONT DO IT!!!! Uk definatly the last thing she will need is foreign people in her face she needs english people with lots of patience x

  3. I am not sure where you reside, Aussie or UK?

    You don't state what type of disability your daughter has, is it a physical or cognitive disability?

    Honestly the only way your going to find the best school is write down what you want out of your child's education, taking into consideration her strengths and weaknesses and type of disability and how it may or may not limit her future education.

    Once you have done this,  taking into consideration the above, you will then need to decide if she would benefit from main stream schooling or special education schooling, then visit the schools closest to you and see what they have to offer.

    If you choose main stream schooling, ask if they offer teacher aides or support assistants, remedial programs, adaptive technology to assist students with disabilities, and is the school accessible for students with physical disabilities.  

    If a special education school, then you will need to check out what type of programs they offer, and how they will benefit your daughter. Special education schools usually have the best adaptive technology to aid their students.

    Either way ask lots of questions, and make sure you are shown around the school, most special education schools will be more than happy to show you around the school, while students are doing various activities. It would be a good idea to speak to parents at the schools about things they like/dislike about the school, and are their children happy.

    I wont get into a dispute about Aussie or UK being the better place to educate a child, as both countries have excellent schools who are patient and caring, both countries also have a fairly good Disability Act which tries protect people with disabilities.

  4. Am sure she'd be a bloody sight better off in Oz!

  5. I Guess your Daughter has a "statement of special needs". If so there are many private schools in the UK which take children funded by the state. Many of these schools have a mix of children who are funded and privately funded students. These are very good - always very much better than state schools - so in answer to you question, it depends what you local education department can afford or if you can afford it.

    I went to one of these schools and even though I was a border it was a great education

  6. in australia you can give best education to students with special needs.but no idea about uk

  7. From personal experience with my daughter who is on the SEN register, Australia would be a much better option. We seem to be taking backward steps in the UK when it comes to educating children with special needs. In my area at the moment they are taking children who have a statement of special educational needs and trying to get most of them into mainstream school. Of course for most of these children this will not work. From what I understand of the Australian education system it is much better funded and more forward thinking than it's British counterparts. Don't rush into anything, and take your time to find out what is best for your daughter. Good luck.

  8. i once worked for many years with brain damaged children in WESTERN AUSRALIA "PERTH" IV YET TO SEE ANY THING ANY WHERE NEAR AS GOOD IN THE UK, PACK YOU BAGS AND GET GOING ,GOOD LUCK

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