
Where will my mail go?

by  |  earlier

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Next month I'll be moving into a townhouse that is part of a community. As such, we have those tiny square mailboxes that apartments usually do. They are barely big enough to fit envelopes. My question is, what happens if I have a package (say, a textbook, or another large item) coming in the mail... what happens to it? Do they bring it to the door? (there is no office or anything like that) What if neither I nor my roommates are home at the time, or cannot be home at the time of repeat attempted deliveries?




  1. 1- from now inform all the bills (section change address) and give them new address .

    2- Your mail will be leave in the same mail box and perhaps new resident will put them out side or will through them to the trash .

    3- Inform new resident that you will come every week and will pick your mails till change of address get submit for all contacts .

  2. if you are 100% sure that you are moving into this condo, the lease is signed, all deposits down, and all reference checks are complete..You can get a "change of address form" from your mailman or post office and actually go ahead and fill out a change of address...On the form it will have a "beginning " date that you want the mail to start being delivered at the new address..and a "quitting ' date for your present address..when you do a "change of address" it can take 7 to 10 days to catch up to the new address....If you go ahead and fill it out will be in thier computer ahead of time..and your mail will get to you sooner...asfter it does catch up to you..then it will once again be on time..DO NOT DO A "GO AHEAD" ON THIS unl;ess as are 100% sure you have the condo..and all paper work is complete..As far as delivery of the dpends on how it is sent..if it is sent "signature confirm" then they will leave an "attempt of del;ivery' notation in your mailbox..If it is not sent signature required..then they will leave it at your door..unless there is a seperate box for large packages there on the condo site..which alot have , and alot dont..

  3. A day before you move, go to the post office that is "servicing" you now and fill out a change of address form.  This form will tell the post office that you have moved and what your new address is.  HOPEFULLY, the carrier will pull out your mail and send it through the forwarding process and it will be delivered to your new address.  However, this process is far from fool proof, that's why it is important that you actually change your address with all that you regularly get mail from.  A lot of companies will allow you to do it online.

    If a different post office will be delivering your mail at your new address, please stop in and let them know that also.  They may have you fill out a form.  Without you stopping in, they have no clue that you will be living there.

    As far as the size of the mail box and items that will not fit; in most cases there are some bigger lockers in that same unit with all the little letter boxes.  When the carrier delivers the mail, he/she would put the package in a certain locker and place the key for that locker in with your letter mail.  If there are no lockers available, they would leave a notice that you have a package and you would have to go to the post office to pick it up.  Be sure to bring ID with you when you go to the post office.  

    Unfortunately, they shouldn't/cannot just drop the package off at your door if someone is not home.  It's not a secure area and it could get stolen.  And if that happened, the carrier would be responsible for that and they don't want to be!  
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