
Where will tornados happen?

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If you live on top of a hill will a tornado near by hit your house first or hit the bottom of the hill first?




  1. Tornadoes are more likely to make touchdown at the bottom of a hill first. They can certainly move up the hill and maybe even make touchdown at the top of hill.

  2. Depends on where the circulation is happening.

  3. lt should hit the bottom of the hill first

  4. the tornado will most likley hit the top of the hill first because the tornado is a funnel going down. so it's larger at the top. tornados will for when warm air and cold air mix. so if you see a funnel forming at the top of the sky, go to the lowest ground you can find and stay there till the tornado passes. if you at least hear a siren, do the same thing.

  5. If the tornado is on the ground, and the ground is sloped, by consequence it will hit the bottom of the hill first.

    If you live on a cliff, it will hit both your house and the hill at that same time.

    This is just for fun though as tornadoes and the behavior associated with them remains one of the true mysteries in Meteorology.  We're learning, but we're not quite there yet.

  6. ????????

  7. A tornado is formed by Two winds in the sky going the oppisite direction than each other and then they clash and then its formed and tey mostly hit Kansas

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