
Where will we go after the death & What takes place for the universe ?

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Where will we go after the death & What takes place for the universe ?




  1. Im a christian so ya  

  2. If we are standing up, we will probably drop to the floor.  If we are sitting down, we'll probably slump... or maybe fall out of our seat and drop to the floor.  After that, I believe you either 1) go to the funeral home where they either cremate you or put you in a coffin or 2) if there were suspicious circumstances you go to the morgue where they investigate the cause of death.  Most likely nothing special happens to the universe, just like nothing special happened the last time someone died, but you never know.

    Hope that answers your question.  I'm sure you weren't trying to bring religion into the hockey section.

  3. Are people actually afraid of death?  I honestly don't get that.  What's there to be afraid of?  I mean I understand fear of pain, fear of whatever leads up to death, but I don't grasp fear death itself in the least.  If you enjoyed life, I guess I could understand being sad about dying, but not afraid of it.

    I'm not being morbid, I just heard the other day someone say something about fear of death in a movie, and I got to wondering.  I think probably some people actually do fear non-existence, though that makes no sense whatsoever.  I suspect that is what the wishful-thinking about Heaven is all about.  

    I, contrariwise, have no reason to suspect that there is any sort of afterlife, but if there is, I still wouldn't fear it.  It would be an adventure, wouldn't it?  But what if it wasn't?  What if it was just as tedious as this one, worrying about this, that, and putting up with idiots and such?  Ick.    

    So anyway, do people really fear death?

  4. I go to church and i'm a cristian. I was taught to believe that if you get saved then you would go to heaven if not then you will go to h**l.

  5. We either go into an incinerator or get put underground and become worm food. The universe goes on without the Islanders winning another Stanley Cup because they have a moron as a GM.

  6. You'll have to ask Gary Bettman.

  7. To the great outdoor HOCKEY Arena in the Sky.  If you were bad then you get to be the goalie without padding and if you were good you get to be the shooter!

  8. i'm muslim&islam says:after our death &burry under ground our soul will be seperate from our body.then our soul will go to a place that it's name is barzakh(i don't know the word in Eng)then we remain there untill(ruze ghiyamat).ruze ghiyamat is the day that world will be destroye.sun will be come near earth,mountains'll become flat,weather will be hot,died people will breathe again &so on.(the world compeletly will be destroy badly that u can't imagine)& our 12th prohibit will this day god will give a paper for all of us.that in this paper the things that we have done in this world be written&if u re a good person the paper will be in ur right hand but if not it will be in left one.then bad ones will go to a place(jahannam)they'll put in fire.others will leave together and happy 4ever.........(sorry i'm not good inEng i could't find the exact words)

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