
Where will you go when the world ends?

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It takes a strong person to surrender their will for God's perfect will, but what about the others? The ones that don't even think Jesus is coming back. Where do they think they will go when the end comes? Where do you think you will go?

Thanks in advance for all your answers. They are very interesting.




  1. I'm going to stay here and repopulate the earth. i will be the new adam

  2. I am going to be with Christ my Lord forever!! =)

  3. uh heaven?


  4. I think I'm just going to sleep forever ZZZzzzzzz lol

  5. people have bein wating for some god that hasnt come for over 5,000 years and after he died the earth should of blown up but it dirint it just have a small earth quake, even the jews are waing for their god and the earth quakes huricanes and stuff are not signs from the end, the only thing that can end this world is a nuclear war, not god not nature but man.

  6. The Restaurant at the End of the Universe, where else?

  7. 2Co 12:4 ....caught up into paradise....

    1Thessalonians 4:17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them IN THE CLOUDS, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.

  8. I'll be dead already so I'm not going anywhere. Besides, by then, my remains will probably be completely decomposed.

  9. I'm going to Disney World.

  10. My friend, why to worry for tomorrow? Present is  a gift given by nature. Enjoy it and be happy today.

  11. back to the beginning.

  12. When you die -- back to the Nothingness from whence you came.

    When the world ends, this is the same for everyone that's left at that very moment.

  13. Ill be long gone by the time the world ends... Just like your Jesus...

  14. Got some news for you. The world isn't going to end.

    Psalms 25:12 What man is he that feareth the LORD? him shall he teach in the way that he shall choose.

    13 His soul shall dwell at ease; and his seed shall inherit the earth.

    Psalms 37:22 For such as be blessed of him shall inherit the earth; and they that be cursed of him shall be cut off.

    PSALM 79:69 And He built His sanctuary like the heights, like the earth which He has founded forever"

    ECCLESIASTES 1:4 A generation goes and a generation comes, but the earth remains forever.

    Tough times are indeed ahead...thermonuclear war, famines, pestilinces, unspeakable violence, massive earthquakes, floods, 100lb hailstones falling to the ground. But the earth will always be here. The earth will be purged...the outer crust and atmosphere will pass away then be replaced.  That's when the NEW heaven (atmosphere) and NEW earth (earth's crust) replaces the old sin, war torn and corrupted ones by Jesus Christ Himself. He then sets up His kingdom and reigns for 1000 years.  True born again believers will reign with Him (that's where I'll be!)

    Those who reject Christ will all go to h**l...where their worm does not die and they shall know no rest. A place of eternal darkness,  and wailing and gnashing of teeth.

  15. I am gonna start searching for any Porshe with a fish sticker on it, hey you won't need it.

  16. As I disintegrate I will go back out into everything, must the same as I came together.

  17. the same place I was 378 years ago.

  18. When Christ comes back, I will be in heaven, all others who don't believe in Him will be left behind for the years of tribulation.  

  19. Tarsus


  20. When the world ends, I'll go back to being stardust.

  21. Dead is dead. There is nothing after death. I do believe my atoms and all the particles and chemicals that were me go back to all that is.  

  22. well it won't but I'll play along assuming your apocalypse happens (which christians strangely look forward too...) I'll get me one of these things called a gun and shoot your demons  

  23. I have faith that when i die I'll be with the Lord and other christians like me. For the rest of the is possible for someone to be saved in only a matter of seconds. If you remeber when Jesus was about to die on the cross, two sinners were beside him, and one was saved in the last moments of his death. I think some of the sinners will call out to God when the world comes to an end, even if they didnt even believe He was real. they can still make it to heaven, but then those who will continue to reject him....would most likely be with the devil for eternity. but i hate saying that, because we never know who will be saved in the last minutes of their life.

    That was a really good question too. =)

  24. under your bed :)

  25. ...One by one, the stars will all go out,

    And you, and I, will simply fly away.

  26. I would probably go to a place high up to get one lsat look at the wonderful joint creations of man and god. Preferably the Eifell tower etc.


  28. Am giong to Disneyland

  29. If Mcbush get in office we will see least the US end maybe not the rest of the world.  

    Each day seems like the US is on the verge of the Romans fate in the 5th Century

  30. first if a person came around claiming to be jesus christ most likely he would be committed for being a nut or they would be like those so called gods messengers and commit mass suicides and such or marry there children to adults or molest children and lets not forget our priests who are pedophiles and become priests to get away with it, most people think our world is civil but in reality which you lack the world should end, but if it did would the next one be better? dont think so...humans are animals natural born killers, you dont need a weapon to kill someone, that can be done bare handed, did you ever see a lion with a gun? your question is stupid, "theres nowhere to run" and think about this the United States is the only nation in the entire world to drop atomic bombs on a foreign country, the world is full of sick and twisted people and should be eliminated, "ashes to ashes dust to everlasting dust"

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