
Where would I start in order to find a child that was given up for adoption in Texas?

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My Mother gave a child up for adoption in Dallas, Texas many years ago..the child would be around 10-15 years of age now. I would like to find my brother. Can someone help me as to what a good place to start would be?




  1. Without a birthdate, hospital or adoption agency, it's unlikely you will succeed.

  2. That child is still a minor.   From what i can't legally search for a minor child.

  3. Who May Access Information

    Citation: Fam. Code §§ 162.018; 162.406

    Nonidentifying information may be provided to:

    The adoptive parents

    The adopted person who is age 18 or older

    Identifying information may be accessed by:

    The adopted person who is age 18 or older

    A natural parent

    An alleged father who acknowledges paternity

    A natural sibling who is age 18 or older

    Access to Nonidentifying Information

    Citation: Fam. Code § 162.018

    Eligible parties are entitled to receive copies of records that have been edited to protect the identity of the natural parents and other information relating to the history of the adopted person.

    Mutual Access to Identifying Information

    Citation: Fam. Code §§ 162.407; 162.413; 162.414; 162.416

    The persons listed above may register with a mutual consent voluntary adoption registry. A registration remains in effect until the 99th anniversary of the date the registration is accepted unless a shorter period is specified by the applicant or the registration is withdrawn. A registrant may withdraw his or her registration in writing at any time. The applicant must participate in counseling for not less than one hour with a social worker or mental health professional with expertise in postadoption counseling before the release of confidential information. The administrator shall process each registration in an attempt to match the adopted person, the natural parents, and

    the natural siblings. The administrator shall determine that there is a match if the adult adopted person and the natural mother, father, or sibling have registered. When a match has been made, the administrator shall mail to each registrant a written notice:

    Informing the registrant that a match has been made

    Reminding the registrant that he or she may withdraw the registration before disclosures are made, if desired

    Notifying the registrant that before any identifying disclosures are made, he or she must sign a written consent and participate in counseling

    Identifying information about a registrant shall be released without the registrant’s having consented to disclosure after the match if the registrant is dead, his or her registration was valid at the time of death, and he or she had in writing specifically authorized the postdeath disclosure. Identifying information about a deceased natural parent may not be released until each surviving child is an adult or until each child’s surviving parent or guardian consents in writing to the disclosure.




    Access to Original Birth Certificate

    Citation: Health & Safety Code § 192.008

    Only the court that granted the adoption may grant access to the original birth certificate.

    Where the Information Can Be Located

    Central Adoption Registry

    Central Adoption Registry

    Bureau of Vital Statistics

    TX Department of Health

    PO Box 140123

    Austin, TX 78714-0123

    (512) 458-7388

    Texas searching groups:

        Searching in TX - yahoo based email group ( will need a yahoo ID to join, but its free! )

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