
Where would a bartender make the most money???

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I always hear that bartenders can get up to 1000 dollars a day....where do they work to do that??? Is there any places where you can get more than 1000 daily???




  1. honestly thats pretty ridiculous... the only way you would make that kind of money was if you were really really really really........ good. you would have to work in a topnotch bar in vegas.... and you have to be amazing to work there.

  2. I have heard flair bartenders (juggling bottles, ect) can make that amount in tips alone, but i havn't heard standard bartenders getting even close to that.  Big club towns are going to be the best, resort towns... Vegas, the keys, Bermuda, Hawaii, etc.

  3. some where in a big city um but i think infinon because thats the wine drinking place so infineon but i dont think you can make more than 1000 probaly unless it a holiday

  4. Any where you could serve my ex-husband.  haha

    I never made that kind of money.  I worked at medium priced restaurants.

  5. I'm sure somewhere in Las Vegas.

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