
Where would a homeschooler go find out how many credits they need to graduate?

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The umbrella school? Is it the same for any school, whether it be public, private or home?




  1. Not sure.

    In CA it was 150 credits for college and 120 credits for general.

    Here is what you need to college entrance

    2 years of Foregin language for PRIVATE schools (not reaquried for most State schools)

    Math Chemistry or Physic

    Algebra, Geometry, Trig

    World history, Poly Sci, Civics

    English grammar and comp for 4 years'

    English literature

    Biology 1 and 2

    Chemistyr or Physics

    Economics, Statistics

    Drama, Music, Art, Dance

    If you meet these you are college ready

  2. You can check and see if this info is on the website.  Click your state and it should tell you everything you need to graduate as a homeschooler.

  3. If you are registered with an umbrella school, then yes, they would be the ones to determine the credits you need to graduate. If you aren't registered with an umbrella school, then contact a state-based homeschool support group; they should have the information. This may or may not be the same as public and private schools. In fact, I've heard of different public schools within the same city having different credit requirements for graduation. (Not where I live, but in the US.)

    Btw, the person who said you don't need credits to graduate from homeschooling may or may not be correct for where she lives. I saw just the other day the credit requirements for one state for homeschooled students. It all depends on where you live.

  4. no dear. when ur homeschooled u don't need credits. U just do the subjects that ur grad level has. I home schooled my kids. But u can check with school district office and they can tell u where u can fine in your state laws.

    Umbrella school is new to me. Hope ur referring to homeschool.

  5. In California, the board of education sets the requirements, and they are available on their website. The requirements are the same for every student, regardless of school.

    I would suggest you type the name of your state and "graduation requirements" in your search box.

  6. I don't know how many you actually need to graduate. Maybe check at your local high school and see what they need to graduate and base that off of what you choose.

  7. ud wanna go to an umbrella school. i think its mainly the same for all but like i know my umbrella school requires more than PS's bcz its a Christian one so they want bible courses & other things too

  8. Check with your local school district or the county board of education.

  9. i have a nice site for u where u get much information about Online Graduate

    Or use search on this site.

    Best Regards

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