
Where would a person go to sell a hot news story i mean really hot about a couple of celebrity athletes?

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Where would a person go to sell a hot news story i mean really hot about a couple of celebrity athletes?




  1. The front desk of the local newpaper

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    Nothing by mail only in person do you present a story as what you say you have

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    You want to make sure you get the credit for it not some other reporter who got the scoop from the editor who read yours and told his reporter to check it out

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    It is a nasty world of reporters wanting to get the head line story for the day

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    And they are as sneaky as a rat trying to get the cheese out of the mouse trap

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  2. The News of the World.

  3. Sounds salacious -- if you're angling to sell, most reputable media outlets won't pay. Goes against journalistic ethics. Of course, they will pay for photos, but they prefer to vet their stories pretty thoroughly.

    But places like the National Enquirer and other tabloids are unencumbered by such ethics. Try a Google of those places and check out their submission policies.

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