
Where would be a good place to hide a diary/journal?

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I just realize the usual place which is under my pillow is DANGEROUSLY easy to find and I will have to move away if anyone reads it, where do you think I should hide it?




  1. under ur mattress

  2. behind ur dresser

  3. I would write it online like in my notepad in my email address...That is where i would be hiding it.

  4. underneath ur matress... is where i used to put mine and it has never been found :)

  5. Your underwear drawer thats where i keep all my stuff i'm trying to hide

  6. Your mom will find it. Put a label on it that says "Mom please do not read."

    Stick it in the pocket of a winter coat that you rarely wear.

  7. I hide mine in my underwear drawer.  If I catch any of my brothers looking in there they have some serious explaining to do.

  8. Somewhere that no one on here mention...


  9. - under your mattress

    - in the back of your under wear draw

    - in your closet

    - in a sweater/coat/pants in your closet or draw(inbetween the layers of it) hide it in one of those

    - behind any furniture in your room(a mirror/dresser/wardrobe)

  10. Under mattress

    behind books in old bookshelf no one looks in

    is there a room in your house where no one goes? stash it in there (be creative)

    old photo album

    pocket of unused jacket in closet

    under the bathroom sink  (Take duct tape and tape it to the top)

    If you have a piano in your house, (i do) lift open the top in put it in there

    behind a huge mirror

    have an abandoned china cabinet? put it in between two large plate

    In my dining room, there is a big overhead hanging light which never gets turned on, (only thanksgiving) put it up there!

    on top of kitchen cabinet where no one goes besides holidays

  11. Erm.. what about in a suitcase? Nobody's going to loo there unless you're going on holiday. Or maybe under the mattress. Why would anybody lift up a mattress?

    NOTE: Never hide it in the freezer because my friend came round and found it there before. LOOL.. My mum doesn't read my diary so I didn't have to worry about her.

  12. Oh my goodness...I've always wanted to know this answer since I have, what, 6 siblings and 2 parents. I usually carry it around with me in my bag, but that gets annoying.  

  13. I used to have a wooden hamper with a laundry bag in it. I'd always hide my diary underneath the laundry bag and nobody ever found it. :)

  14. In a box labeled Tampons.

  15. Unless your parents never go into your room to clean up etc, then there's a good chance that they will find it wherever you try to hide it.

    You could get one with a lock on it, or write it online and password protect it.  

  16. Here are my suggestions. Move it from time to time. If you have a place nobody's going to touch, like a bag from a trip your mom refuses to unpack for you, put it there. Hide it in a half used pack of pads. Write in a notebook labeled English or Science and hide it with your school books. If you want to get creative, tear off the cover of a book nobody reads, glue it to the back of your diary, and hide it among your bookcase so it looks like a normal book. Hope I helped!

  17. LOL at the first answer: i kinda agree with her, nobody will dare look in there if it says tampons lol or in yoru closet.

    answer mines?

  18. I tape it on the wall behind all the clothes.

  19. i cut a hole under the mattress in my bed and stuck in there.

  20. At the bottom of your wardrobe. Who's going to look there?

    Or you could put it under the bed, behind a dresser. Somewhere where no body would want to look or ever really need to. Make sure it's accessible though, you don't want to have to move your whole room around every time you want to write in it.

  21. Stomach.  

  22. Bottom of your dirty laundry basket? Or maybe right under a piece of furniture such as the wardrobe.

    In your underwear drawer is too cliched - I'd look there, under your pillow, and under the mattress, and probably in the wardrobe too.

    Another idea - do you have a bookcase with loads of books in? Unless it says DIARY in obvious letters down the spine, just slip it in between two of the books and let it hide in plain sight. It'll be just another book.

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