
Where would be a good place to travel to with a friend at the age of 17?

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Next summer, me and my friend are thinking of traveling abroad for around a week. We will have a budget of around £1200 each and want to take a good exciting break to another country.

We will be 17 at the time and so should be able to drive.

Any suggestions for nice countries? We have in mind USA (New York) but we think that it will cost too much or we could move it to February so that we could go skiing.

Any suggestions?




  1. Why don't you travel round Europe? You can get an interrail pass for a few hundred and you could just book hotels. You can take your car with you as well so you can just get those car-train things if you can't be bothered driving.

    HAVE FUN! So jealous you have that much money, lol.

  2. Oh god don't come to NY it's a h**l hole.

  3. New York is nice but unless you are over 18 when you travel, you will not get very far!  Rental car agencies won't rent to you, and hotels won't let you book a room.  I guess you could always spend the night walking around the airport!

  4. Given how weak the dollar is, NY probably wouldn't be as bad as you're expecting.

  5. 17! why not try McDonalds or the local park, (the swings are good) 17, the mind boggles...

  6. mexico. cheap beer, cheap women, and cheap food

  7. DEFINATELY new york. i went with friends when i was 17. u cant drink but it is the funnest place, and there is so much to do. 1200 pounds is plenty - stay in a hostel and ull have loads of spending money!

    drive? at 17? really? ? u need to be 25 to rent  a car.

  8. South America

  9. go to lforida, we're very tourist friendly, especially with all the theme parks. /you wont be able to drive anywhere in the USA because you must be 25 in order to rent a car

  10. that depends on where your from and if your willing to travel accrossed water... australia would be my first choice but thats just me.

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