
Where would be the best place to fix a camera?

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the cover surrounding the lens got dented and fell of




  1. i always go to best buy

  2. Call the camera manufacturer.

  3. Would check Best Buy and Ritz for prices, but unless the camera is a very expensive one; it may be better to replace than repair.  Most electronic things today like TV etc. are replaced unless there is a manufacturers warranty.  The warranties you would purchase are too expensive.

    Most people have trouble with the battery to camera contacts.  Will put a link in the source that could help you in the future.

    The secret to making digital cameras work better is having good electrical contacts between the batteries and the camera.

    Digital cameras require lots of power. If electrical contacts are not really good, this can cause lots of problems so battery and camera contacts must be cleaned properly.  Batteries may have a full charge, but will be viewed by the camera as low if contacts are not really good. The LCD display is a low steady load, but with extending the lens, focus, optical zoom, and flash charging in the capture mode; it is like starting a car.  With bad contacts the camera can do strange things like blurring pictures or shutting off with the lens out.

  4. The BEST place would be to send it back to the manufacturer to have it repaired, but as you can guess, it will also cost the most.

    Call your camera's help line and ask for local camera repair shops ... they will have a list of authorized repair stations.

    Camera Help Lines:

    Canon (800) OK-CANON

    Casio (973) 361-5400

    Fujifilm (800) 800-FUJI

    Hewlett-Packard (HP) (800) 752-0900

    Kodak (800) 235-6325

    Leica (800) 222-0118

    Nikon (800) NIKON-UX

    Olympus (888) 553-4448

    Panasonic (800) 211-PANA

    Pentax (800) 877-0155

    Samsung (800) SAMSUNG

    Sigma (800) 896-6858

    Sony (800) 222-SONY

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