
Where would be the best place to move to?

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Me and fiance both 25 with a 3 year old son, been talking about moving away from england for awhile now but we cant make our minds up where? Spain/cyprus/austrlia?

Fiance is a plumber/pipe fitter and im a qualified beautician/masseuse and at college doing stone therapy and reflexology would we find it hard to get a job? could i work in a hotel or a spa maybe?.

Where would be best, anyone here moved from uk to somewhere abroad that could give some information? pros and cons of spain cyprus auz etc etc? or anywhere else?

Thankyou for your time!




  1. I live in australia and i think most people who move from the UK enjoy the climate and the not so overcrowded cities. Jus imagine every dollar (pound) you have double it and plus some soon you have a lot of money lol! I think the exchange rate is good....

    But i think wherever you go you will enjoy it, you just have the right place to go.

  2. Poland!

    You'll have no problems finding work there because every Pole that can do something uselful is in England working!

  3. I think in both the professions you mention, you are going to struggle to find work in Spain or Cyprus as they are specalised professions and also customer facing ones, so you will need to be native or at least fluent in the native language

    Australia is the obvious choice, but as briefly mentioned, in order to get a working visa then you will be measured on a points system based on your skills and profession.  Your fiance may well qualify based on his trade as this is something that in some countries is in demand (but I am not sure about Australia specifically).

    Your best bet is to follow the official route and the link provided by the Australian embassy in the UK to getting info about this is

    However I have also read (and seen on tv programs about Brits up and lifting to Australia) that depending on where you go, accomodation is very expensive, especially in the cities and popular places such as close to the beaches.  So you need to do your homework first as it is a big step and Australia is not on the doorstep.  

    A good starting point to start reading up is one of the expat sites where you can read the experiences, tips (and also post your questions) of other Brits who have done the same thing

    Also think about the social side of things without family & friends.  This is something which people forget about in the excitement of moving and a new experience, but when reality kicks in, it can be lonely abroad without old friends & family.

    Anyway, hope this gives you a few tips and starting points.  I wish you the best of luck

  4. Australia is a very good choice with alot of visa types 2 choose from.. go to the australian department of immigration site ( check the demanded jobs, take the points test 2 c if u can pass the minimum score to immigrate.

    Note: moving 2 an english speaking country is much easier for ur family

    good luck

  5. I have moved from UK to Greece. We love it here, better weather, no stress, great people & laid back lifestyle.

    BUT, don't move anywhere without a lot of research (I have seen too many people get it wrong), preferably visit the area you consider before making the move & make sure you have plenty of money. The move itself will cost you & if you are relying on jobs to survive you can't be sure how long it will be before you both find something.

    Don't be fooled by 'holiday resorts' they can be totally different or deserted out of season.

    Consider while doing your research what will be important to you. Shopping, nightlife, peace & quiet, country life, schools, & whatever else matters to you!

    There are so many more things to think about, make lists of pros & cons of anywhere you like, but think beyond the 'image' that is projected (usually for the tourist trade), the reality of every day life can be very different!

    Get the planning & research right & your move is much more likely to be successful.

    I haven't made these comments to put you off, I just want you to make the right decision & have no regrets.

    Good luck!

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