
Where would i go to find out about depitting a ferret?

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my boyfriend and i are thinking about getting a ferret we can have pets at our apartment but for a dog (like what we want) its 10% of rent and an additional 300 deposit...we both love ferrets and want one, i was told you can get them depitted and take the gland out that makes them stink...would i go to a vet or something to find out more about this? can anybody give me any information?




  1. When a ferret is descented they remove the anal glands, this is purely a cosmetic surgery and does not actually do anything to reduce the ferrets everyday odour.

    A ferrets natural scent is rather musky, in North and South America most ferrets bought in a pet store are fixed (spayed/neutered and descented) around the age of 4-5 weeks, this is believed to have some very serious side effects on their health and stunts the ferrets physical development however it is the common practice. In the UK, Australia, etc. ferrets are sold intact and it is illegal to descent them unless for medical purposes, however spaying and neutering is recommended once the animal reaches around 6-8mos depending on s*x. Depending on where you are located you will find the laws in your country actually determine what you can and cannot do in regards to altering and descenting.

    An intact male ferret (Hob) can be rather stinky when in season (Rut) this smell though it alerts female ferrets (Jills) that they are looking to mate tends to linger and is generally what people think of as a stinky ferret. Once altered the ferret will change in scent to a more natural 'ferrety' smell which though different than a dog or cat is no more or less strong. Basically each animal, including people has a scent, if you like the smell of an altered ferret then you won't mind one that has it's scent glands.

    Anal glands are basically a defence for ferrets, they release their anal glands (Poof) when under attack or startled. The smell is comparable to stinky socks and can linger for about 5-10 minutes depending on airflow. Most people find it tolerable and in a pet ferret it really doesn't happen all that often. I have 2 in my home right now that have their anal glands and one poofs only when an ambulance goes past (he's a baby and still scared of sirens) and one poofs with his morning p**p (he's got a leaky bum). It not only doesn't bother me but I'm actually happy that the boys have a defensive mechanism should they ever have a run in with another animal and need to get away. I live in an apartment building and my neighbours have never said anything about it and I have smelled much worse smells from the guy in the apartment next door (maybe from his dog).

    Oh and one of my boys is still intact, since he's not in Rut his scent isn't bad either. I'll be altering him at one year to give him his best chance at developing into a healthy adult ferret and hopefully helping to stave off diseases such as adrenal.

  2. no that is so cruel ferrets are suposed to have them glands leave the poor creature alone or better still dont get a ferret if you cant put up with that unique smell dont get one.  maybe a hampster  would be a better choice

  3. Most ferrets you buy in a pet store will already be spayed/neutered and depitted. And they definitly still stink after this is done.

  4. I was gonna get one,but the smell over whelmed me.they told me there isnt anything you can do.i have 8 careful because the girl wanted to make a sale and sold me a girl know ling(***** he he)and i had 14,but they tend to die used to it doesnt hurt as much,but the more you have the more it cost.i have 3 boys in one cage,1 boy in another.hes to mean to be w/his brothers and the mom and her 3 girls together.

    they will fight.and it has been really brutal make sure you go to a trusted pet shop.the father was sick and died 3 months after i got him.they get a hard belly and die slowly.theres not much you can do.the babies will be a year old in hopefully whatever you decide.your ready for it.

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