
Where would i look to find legal help for wage garnishments,not being paid for work and ect?

by  |  earlier

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The company that i have worked for have garnished my wages,not paid me for work that i have done,were sent three notices to with hold child support and have thrown them away, and the owner of the company has threatend me physicly. I have been trying to get what i have earned , but i dont have enough money to hire a lawyer. what do i do ?




  1. There are a couple of alternatives, although neither is really a good choice.

    You can petition for relief through the courts, representing yourself by filing "in pro per", naming yourself as the attorney of record.  It has been said, however, that one acting as his own attorney has a fool for a client, so do some research before you begin.  I would pose this question in another category though.

    Another choice, poor though it mat be, is to contact the the DA's office that has jurisdiction in your case.  You may be able to placate them by making some other arrangements, but I wouldn't count on it.

    There is some black letter law, in the State of California, in the case of Simpson vs Simpson (not OJ).  Long story short, the petitioner in this case kept dragging the ex back into court for increases in child support each time the hapless respondent got another job (he was working three jobs at the time) so he could earn enough to try to support himself.  The court intervened and ruled that the one who is under a child support order has the right, at some point, to be able to keep a more reasonable percentage of income.  The ex had gone to the well one too many times.

    Also, in California, if an employer has knowingly shorted you for compensation for work performed, and you can prove it, then the employer can be ordered to pay damages of triple the amount shorted.

    It is a bad situation your in, and I hope it works out for you.  Bit by bit, the playing field is becoming more level in this area, if one can survive long enough.  Of course, if the arrearage is do to being a "deadbeat" dad, then I have no sympathy.

    Good luck.

  2. My advice is to speak to a lawyer and the best, most inexpensive way to do this is through Pre-Paid Legal Services. For more information visit the website below, and feel free to contact me through that site if you have further questions on how this service may be able to help you. I encourage you to find out what your rights and options are in this situation. If you sign up today you can ask your question tomorrow.

    I wish you the best of luck.

  3. Check with the district attorney/public defender in your area.

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