
Where would mankind be without a conscience?

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Will we ever be free from our conscience?

Is our conscience our internal cage? internal prison or not?

I just want to hear what others think.




  1. Without a conscience, people are robots.

  2. Conscience is a learned ability, its not natural.  Look at a new born baby for example.  A new born baby will reach for his mom's shiny necklace and what happens?  The mother gently takes the babys hand off the necklace and whispers "No sweetie" while the baby wails and crys because it cant get the necklace...

    Now imagine that same baby had the strength of a grown man.  Do you think that baby would not hesitate to kill its mother, take that necklace and not feel one bit of remorse about what it did?  Of course not.  

    Conscience is a latin word that means "with Knowledge"   Its not a cage or a prison, if we didnt have it then everyone would be murderers, rapists and theives.

  3. Without a conscience there would be no way to determine right and wrong. We could not determine morals or self values.

    Every action would be based upon self pleasure and desire. The only way to maintain order would be by threat of taking away an individuals freedom or pleasure.

    An individuals conscience can be formed by their surround environment or society.

    Just a thought!

  4. Lost. Chaotic.

    I believe its more like a personal fence in our lives. Its there for our protection and the protection of others. But if you try hard enough, sure, you can jump it.

    Why would the ability to determine right and wrong ever be a prison to us? There are those that say it would be more fun if we didn't have to worry about it. And I agree for a lot of things. But I don't think it would be so fun, when it got out of hand. When people would do awful things, and there was a lack of men with concience to enforce punishment.

    Honestly, I don't see how a sane person, religious or not, sapient or not, could disagree.

  5. Mankind without a conscience will be in a state of chaos....!!

    Will we be free from our conscience??No..we are thinking individuals..we have been taught to distinguish the right from wrong..we have feelings....our conscience is an internal courtroom..not a prison....The conscience makes us what we are by illuminating the right course of action for us....

  6. Look around you, nothing is sacred. And we are reaping the whirlwind because of it.

  7. of religion...

    ...not if you go to church...

    ...conscience sits on your shoulder where ever you or whatever you are doing...

    ...thanks for asking...

  8. Mankind without a conscience would, I think, put us at a level with flatworms.  We are human animals.  Our consciences may not be totally developed, but I think most people value 'the still, small voice' that helps guide our thoughts and actions.  I hope to heaven we never lose our consciences.  

  9. There wouldn't be a mankind without conscience.  They'd all eat each other and die.  I'm serious.

    Conscience is not a cage any more than jail is meant to make people better.  It shows you the right.  If you listen to it, it will continue to guide you on the right path.  Else, you will not have it and you'll end up in jail.

  10. maybe they would be better off? i mean humans don't develop a conscious until about seven years of age, right? and they all seem pretty happy. lol but maybe that's not because they don't have a conscious maybe it's because they don't have obligations. so anyways....

    i think some people have an undeveloped/incomplete conscious and that is why there are murderers, rapists, etc. i think it can feel like your conscious is a cage but we are better off with it... so who knows most people don't want to be free of their conscious. it's kind of scary to think there could be mankind with no compassion...imagine

  11. somewhat. it can be greatly confining, yes. it can be a detriment, yes. but it does keep us from making choices that would cause us harm as well as harm to others. so it had good and bad things about it, like all things having to do with the human mind.

  12. What is a conscience? A jimminy cricket or a moral compass that we are born with? What we are is what we make ourselves. We are what we decide. A conscience is only our desision of what we beleive is right or wrong!

  13. In a word -- ANARCHY!!  Society would be reflective generally of what we now view as mere aberration.  Perhaps we should be thankful for that cage, because without it we would have so much freedom that we would have, paradoxically, none at all...

  14. it wood be ded    doi                  if it didnt have the chocolate ooze to fill its fluffer goit then how wood day now it   doi doi doi

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