
Where would one look for a skunk to perhaps get an up close and personal experience with its means of defense?

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I know this sounds odd, but these critters are interesting to me. and I very much want to learn more about them. It is easy to read about it and everything, but it doen't really grant full understanding of it.




  1. shoot   that is easy.  put out some cat food and leave it out all night. if it isnt touched by the next day don't worry about it. it might be two weeks before you get one to come by.  just keep the food out there and keep an eye on it.  my skunks come every night about two am.  it took them about a month to find it though

  2. skunks spray off an odd and foul odor to defend themselves.thay are often easy prey to some animals seeing that they have soft body and skin.skunks,when it senses any danger at all of an approaching predator or enemy,sprays off a foul odor that tastes bad as well.animals who smells this often backs off when it happens.

    i hope i helped!

  3. Drive down a country road in North Central Texas and watch in the ditches. Skunks are common sites from evening until early morning. At certain times of the year they are everywhere. Early spring I believe.

    Skunks frequently come up to homes that leave cat food or garbage out. They come right after dark usually.

    Skunks may be found almost anywhere in North Texas in early evening on early morning. Often they will be found in areas under large trees where debris has accumulated where they can dig for bugs. At times they may be seen out in green grain fields digging.

    They often create nests or burrows under old buildings and may be seen around them

    Be careful of skunks as they are carriers of rabies and any skunk seen out in mid day or acting oddly is suspect.

    Set a live trap and bait with cat food. You may get your wish and may the Lord help you if you are foolish enough to let a skunk spray you. When you approach a skunk and he sees you he should attempt to flee. If you get too close before he sees you he will arch his back and stomp his feet in warning. He will turn his back end toward you and stomp his feet with tail raised. Move closer and you will find out the error of your ways.

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