
Where would u go?

by Guest58168  |  earlier

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you have to know i live in the dominican republic, here we speak spanish. So my english teacher told me 'bout this really cool camp in Disney .Is for non native english speakers and they give kids english lessons and then take them to the parks to costs arround 2500 dollars, all meals, disney hotel, lessons, tickets to all the parks and VIP treatment. This is such a great opportunity cause i want to get my undergraduate degree in the usa(science), so in the camp, i will be able to perfectionate my english...

however, on september i want to attend to the model of the united know, a convention in which u talk to people of the united nations about the world and is such a cool experience to learn about the planet, its issues, opportunities for costs arround 12000 pesos(360 dollars), because is in a 5 star hotel for 5 days, here that is fine....

i dont think my parents would pay for both, so what would u pick!!??? help!!




  1. Congratulations on finding two very interesting, albeit very different, opportunities. I can understand your dilemma - both seem so exciting and memorable.

    Your question assumes an either-or approach (based on finances), whereas I suggest you can and should plan to do both (based on timing).

    While there are many similar benefits - travel, learn English, meet new people, make new friends, learn about other cultures, nice hotels & meals, etc., there is one significant difference.

    The Model UN program is only available for young, qualified students (about 60,000 globally). To be selected into the Model UN program is truthfully a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. In contrast, you can go to Disney World next year or sometime later in life - it will always be there.

    However, if you choose to go to Disney World this year, you will most likely never have the opportunity to go to the Model UN program or be exposed to that type of learning environment on a global level. I believe the Model UN program will offer greater personal challenges of mind and spirit.

    Disney World is a wonderful place and you should definitely plan to visit a Disney park. The rides, the crowds, Mickey Mouse and the princesses will all be there for time immortal. Going on your own (without an exchange program) will make it different, but nonetheless thrilling and exciting.

    Best wishes on your choice for this summer. You already made some excellent choices by selecting these.

  2. go to Disney world.

    it would be better for you to get the English than to take the chance at getting into the model united nations. you get the education and experience in the language and you get to go to Disney world.
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