
Where would we be now as far as oil supply...?

by Guest60654  |  earlier

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If clinton hadnt VETOED ANWR over 10 years ago? Isint that the liberal excuce as to why not drill? it would take 10 years to get it out?

Isin that why speuclators can raise the prices? lack of supply in the future?

Oh and by the way, they HAVE BEEN trying to get to that ALREADY LEASED LAND that yall now want to use for an excuse now since going after BIG OIL Bombed.

here ya go.




  1. My guess is that the ANWR oil would have further reduced gas prices causing more people to buy SUVs and to buy houses even further away from their jobs causing us to burn through oil even faster.

    And the primary argument I'm familiar with is that it's kind of hard to have a wildlife refuge and an oil refinery next door to each other.

    Which isn't to say I oppose drilling there, I just oppose people like you who reduce everthing to mindless simplicities.

  2. You're right on, cheek.

    I guess if I use the lib's logic about not getting the oil for years.....I will just cash out of my IRA and 401K.

    I mean what's the point?....I won't get a return on my investments for I'll just blow it all now in Vegas!


  3. Funny those libs and their lame excuses.


    Just when you think the libs cant get any dumber...

  4. Everything including fuel would be cheaper.  What Liberals seem to forget is that everything is shipped which cost money and the higher the fuel prices, the higher good and services will cost.

    When will people realize Reid/Pelosi don't want what's best for Americans.  That why they won't allow a vote on drilling.  They should be replaced today.

    Whimsy below:  Competely free of oil?  Are you kidding me?  Don't be stupid.  Stupid hurts.

  5. We'd still be depedent upon foreign oil for most of our needs...

    Now imagine how independent we would be if we had not ended Carter's alternative energy programs in 1980.  We would be almost free of oil completely, plus would have saved on health costs related to pollution and eliminated the needless premature deaths of 70,000 citizens each year from air borne pollution.


    BTW, your link has nothing whatsoever about ANWR...

  6. The maximum production estimate is that it would add 25% to our production and we now produce 30% of what we use so we would produce about  37% of what we use instead of 30%. We use about one quarter of the worlds oil so it would add a little less than 2% to the world supply, which is what matters for prices because US produced oil is sold on the world market and we do not get a cheaper price. This is assuming that Opec countries did not cut production  compensate for our increase.  

    Note: Alaska's state government get royalties for the oil which in parts supports the government and the rest is paid directly to  resident that live in Alaska, the current payment is about 3200 a year per person. Because of this  i don't think  any statement  fro     people that live in alsake, let alone the governor is unbiased.

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