
Where would we be without our prejudices ?

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Where would we be without our prejudices ?




  1. We might not hte Livershit. And that would be a bad thing =/

    Yay prejudices :D

  2. We would be at a place where everything is so dull and unexciting.

  3. I feel like prejudice is a poison present in every society, every situation, and every relationship. In most connotations, it's a very bad thing. But, if you imagine a world without prejudice, it would kind of be something like everyone walking around with no issues with anything, liking everybody and everything. You see, I'm prejudice against any group that is prejudiced toward something it shouldn't be. For example, I'm prejudice against bigots. Although you probably didn't mean your question in that context, it got me thinking. For me, prejudice equals opinion. LIke, one time I had a bad tomato and now I don't like any tomatoes. That's ok for the small-scale situation, but on the larger scale (I.E. racial prejudice, sexual, gender, etc.) it's poison and life without it would be infinitely easier without always having to deal with people who don't understand you and/or wish to see you fail in your endeavors for no reason other what they've made up about you in your head. In that sense, we would go far without world-wide, large-scale personal and group prejudice. But, I wouldn't want to let go of the ability to think freely and form opinions about things that are important to me, but that won't hurt or affect anyone in a negative way.

  4. Honestly i dont know.. The world would be a better place.. but then again Everyone has their right to there own opinion. Take Care!

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