
Where would you adopt a child from?

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From what country?




  1. 7 years from now I am going to adopt a child from Vietnam.

  2. A girl baby from India would be my first choice because . . .

    1.  My family (hubs & kids) is of Indian descent

    2.  I don't have a daughter yet . . . and . . .

    3.  The reasons given by sephoramoon (up above).

  3. China...I feel sorry for all of the children in the US, but life in China is much worst. There was this documentary about this girl's life in China. She started working in a factory at 14 or 15(she lied about he age to get the job), she didn't get paid for a while, sleeps 4 hours a day at the most, shares a crappy room with some other girls, works for very little money, and so much more. Although I wouldn't mind adopting a dwarf child either(from any country).

  4. China

  5. We adopted from the US.  But the truth is, that it wouldn't have mattered to us "where" our child was from.  All children deserve a loving family and homelife regardless of their nationality.

  6. America or somewhere in South America

  7. My cousins adopted a couple of older children from Russia.

  8. The United States!!!!

  9. USA why go out of the country when there are 1,000 of kids here that need homes?

  10. Doesn't matter where the child is from, all children need a home.

    God commands us to help the orphans, and American orphans are no better than any other countries orphans, God loves them all, so we should have mercy on them all.

  11. We adopted from Taiwan.  It is a wonderful, little known program (although starting to be more discovered).

  12. Let me start by telling you about my adoption.

    I was born in honduras and the fifth child of my birth mom. Knowing she couldn't take care of me, she put me up for adoption at 3 months old. I was adopted by two lawyers from Brooklyn and New Jersey. They but me through the best private schools and now i am in college as a history major. I will become a lawyer and take over their business. As i look back, i am so thankful that I was put up for adoption. I could have been some kid who was starving living in a hut with a dirt floor and worrying about the next meal. Then, trying to find different jobs to keep my family fed with no direction in life and possibilty of breaking out of the system. I have every option available to me now. I am not a mother and i will never know what its like carry a child for 9 months. But i do know, what my birth mother did was the most unselfish thing any human being could ever do. My sister is adopted as well from Arizona, but is of Mexican dissent. My parents have no biological children. My mom said as soon as she saw our pictures, she knew we were right for them. My parents have loved me like as if i was biological and I view my parents as my real parents, not just adoptive. Anybody who says they don't feel that way towards there parents are ashamed of them. My parents are white and jewish and have never been ashamed of it. I feel lucky to be hispanic, but more so american. People tend to look at Hispanics as only good for manual labor, my parents made it so that I could show people that hispanics are smart. I got a 30 on my ACT's. I get a kick out of people who are surprised that I am Hispanic and not Indian from India. My parents never hit or spanked me, but provided a loving home from which my sister and I can thrive. If your ashamed of being adopted, rethink that and thank your parents. If you have more questions, don't be afraid to ask, after all, i think i am an expert on this topic.

  13. USA, Australia, UK

  14. The United States!!!  All of this talk about immigration and people are still going to third world countries to adopt babies!!!  What is wrong with our red, white, and blue babies!!!

  15. We adopted two children from Colombia about 2 1/2 years ago.  It was a wonderful experience & I can't imagine my life without them.  It was a long and expensive process, though (international adoption generally is).

    When we adopted the girls we had no idea how many kids were in foster care waiting for a forever family.  We believe we will adopt again & it will almost certainly be through the foster system.

    We are also foster parents (and have two biological sons).  We have a foster daughter right now who is bringing us such joy, too!

    I can't imagine my life without any of my five!  They fill our lives with blessings.

  16. i'd adopt from my own country first, which is colombia or from China and the UK

  17. The US but if I had to choos from another country

    it would either be





    or Russia

  18. Look in your own country first. There must be plenty of children in your country that need stable homes, no matter what cultural background. If this is not possible, I would choose India or China (although it's much tougher there these days). Adopt a girl overseas if you can, they often never get any kind of a chance due to cultural beliefs.

  19. China.  Too many unwanted little girls in orphanages.

  20. If I were going to adopt outside of the country, I would likely choose Columbia.

  21. I think you should adopt from your own country. Why bring more children into your country when there are probably thousands on your door step in desperate need of a loving home?

  22. Guatemala!

  23. Any where

  24. Well I wanted to adopt from Guatemala but can't since I'm a US citizen and the adoptions there might close to US citizens in a year.  I wanted to adopt from Ukraine and Philippines but I have to be 27 to adopt from Philippines and can't bring any child that's not Saudi Arabian into my husband's country. He's from Saudi Arabia so I can't adopt from anywhere which sucks. So my husband is going to adopt a baby from Saudi Arabia when we go home in a year and give it to me.

  25. germny i did or africa or china or the usa or mexico any place

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