
Where would you go if you could travel the world?

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Where would you go if you could travel the world?




  1. I would like to see the WHOLE world... :) But since that's not a realistic choice for me (broke college student) then I'd probably start in Jamaica. I'd love to go to Europe and Australia.

  2. me too - everywhere, the only thing that stops me now is the ticket price

  3. Germany because of tokio hotel ^_^ ,  Japan, Africa, Fiji,  and  Sweden. probably a lot more when i think about it.

  4. An island near Madagascar Seychelles very pricey but all worth it their are problems with air seychelles getting their but hot and romantic if you are into that.Tip it is not just for old people lots of youngsters their too.

  5. I have been to:  Canada, Bahamas, Costa Rica, Japan, India, Australia, England, Scotland, Belgium, France, Germany, Switzerland, Czech Republic, and all but 8 US states.  Adding Hawaii to the list this winter.

    Next I would probably go to Iceland, Scandanavian countries, Italy, or Thailand.  If the political situation were safer I would love to visit the Middle East and the Arab world since there is so much history there (and awesome food!).  Kenya would also be amazing if not for recent turmoil.

    I would certainly love to go back to any of the places I've already been, but I kind of believe in going everywhere once (which is obviously impossible) before going somewhere twice.

  6. new york and somewhere in canada.. oh and australia .. I hope I can visit any of this places soon !

  7. My first stop would be Australia. Then I would travel to Paris and Italy. After that I would make a stop in Korea and then to Canada. Last but certainly not least I would spend a great deal of time in Tahiti in one of those bungalows over the shore...Maybe for my honeymoon if I ever get married.

  8. everywhere

  9. Greece, Italy, the South Sea Islands, Japan, Australia

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