
Where would you go if you run out of hope?

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Where would you go if you run out of hope?




  1. well id be anywhere but home. just be on my own. in dis situation ryt now. parents found out bwt my gf and her parents no now. now we cant even contact each otha. her phones been taken off her, she cant go 2 work coz i work there, she cant use da internet she ain't allowed owta da house. so no means of contact at all. hate life ryt nw. just a waiting game.  

  2. You need to speak with someone about your problems, and if you do not know anyone then go and see your doctor about seeing who can help.

    You should never give up, we all have problems, some problems seem insurmountable, its the way you deal with them and look at them that makes the difference to the outcome.

    Try and think positive, get some advice about your particular problems which are causing the depression.  Remember, there will be other people with problems just like yours.

  3. The titty bar?

  4. sounds like a song

  5. church???

  6. An Isolated Island  

  7. Compton CA!


  9. Caergwrle

  10. i run out of hope everyday but my hiding place is with god, where ever he may be

  11. kill myself

  12. to my girlfriend

  13. You would go to your family. They love you and will take care of you. Explain to them what is going on, they will help you. Hope is something that never runs out. No matter how bad things are there is always hope, remember that. You just have to learn to deal with your problems and take it step by step. Start small then go big. Usually people give up when the task they run against is overwhelming. Trust me no task is too big if it is divided and you start from one of those pieces. Letting go of hope is like giving up on life, which is frowned upon by God. Take the phrase never give up seriously. If there is a will then there is a way. You have to be able to face yourself and realize it is time for change. Whatever the situation you are in understand that people in a similar state got themselves through with hope. NOW YOU ARE GIVING UP THE ONE THING THAT WILL GET YOU THROUGH. There was a student that had no electricity and lived in poor conditions. He would go under a street lamp just to read his books.

    The first thing you should do it trust yourself and give yourself value. How can you give value to other things when you don't value yourself. It is impossible, this is the real reason you are losing hope. You gave up on yourself actually. You should be more confident and raise your self esteem.

    Thinking just leads to more thinking. It is time for ACTION, time for CHANGE. The only way you will achieve change is through action and not just thinking and creating fantasies. Right now you are just idle, being of no good use to yourself or others. Stop being demoralized and thank God that you are still alive and have your health.

    Make yourself useful, get into good habits. Don't you want to be a good role model towards your siblings?? What will your family think when you crawl into a fetus position. They brought you into this world, make them proud. I just hope that you don't give up on the one thing that gets so many people through. People starving to death, people in refugee camps.


    Read the news.. a mom survived stuck in a crashed pickup without any food or water for 5 days before being spotted and rescued. She was thinking about her children the whole time. She was relying on hope that she will get rescued and see them again. That is what got her through. So you better not d**n say that you can run out of hope.  

  14. Sky diving to feel alive again, and then build my hope up again

  15. that is impossible think about it.

  16. To my Prayer closet and talk to Jesus.

  17. tijuana

  18. I lay in the grass outside,

    and think really hard.

    or of course,

    like any teenage girl,

    I run to the warmth of my boyfriend's arms.


  19. I would keep walking in the same direction until I couldn't anymore

  20. Too general a question to answer.

  21. i normally go outide and think about what has happened

  22. There's always hope.  Why, what happened?

  23. I've always believed in the hands on approach and not letting hope or faith rule my life.

    "If you're not part of the're part of the problem." is the motto I live by.

  24. i have and i went to my pastor to vent to someone i had to or i was going to loose my mind!!!

  25. probably wallmart.  i think they sell hope there.

  26. Hope defferred maketh the heart sick (Big BIll Shakespear) so never ever lose hope

  27. Possibly a therapist.

    There is always hope so maybe to someone who could help me find it.

  28. When I'm upset about something, I go for a walk. Anywhere, everywhere, I just keep on walking to think or to clear my head, and fresh air really helps.

  29. i would go eat

  30. Humans cannot run out of hope. Try it- It can't be done.

  31. to the liquor store

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