
Where would you go to school Ecuador or USA?

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Hi! I'm a 17 year old boy from Denmark. And in August month I'm planning to go for a Highschool year in a foreign country. But im not sure if I should pick Ecuador or USA ? What is your opponions about that.. ? I really want to learrn spanish and the south american culture, but I also want to learn about America and American people




  1. I would pick the USA

    You will make friends whereever you go.  I believe it probably would be more beneficial to you to have friends in the USA than to have friends in Ecuador.  You should be able to take a spanish course while attending school in the USA.

  2. Hi.

    I would advise Ecuador. I have a few Danish friends, and most of them have had the opportunity to come and visit the United States at some point in their adults lives. I'm sure in the future, you will also.

    But the opportunity to travel and stay in Ecuador long term may only come once in your life.

    You have probably been exposed to a lot of American culture already through movies and tv.

    Just make sure that your exchange program has worked with Ecuador in the past, and you will have enough credit for graduation when you return.

    Good luck, whatever you choose :)

  3. I guess if you really want to have fun in your last year of high school, you might want to choose US. I don't know how hard it is to study in Denmark but I have friend from Slovakia and she said it's so much easier studying in US. You would have more time to "learn about America and American people". And you can take Spanish class in high school too, though study two foreign language at the same time can be pretty hard.

    It's also easier to get into the life in US than Ecuador, I can say for sure.

    Although, you will have to prepare to be shocked, as you might meet some tenth grade kids try to sell you drug, or some pregnant girls walking around the school. I don't know if it's normal in Denmark but from where I come from, it's a big shock!

    By the way, I'm a exchange student from VN

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