
Where would you like to emigrate, if you could?

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Which country on this planet is worth living for you to live.

Where do you know, for your family and for you have nothing to fear.

Where there is no war, no environmental disasters, no water shortages,

No discrimination can be expected and they are friendly and tolerant people?

Where you being as a human, can live and work?

Or you live (already) in a such country, and if so, where?

Thank you!




  1. Without question, my answer is Disneyland.  Preferably on Space Mountain, but I'm not trying to be picky.

  2. I hope I can stay in America for many moons.  I guess I would I have a felony so all the good countries wouldn't allow me.  I dunno where I would go... :(

  3. I would live in a small country village in England or Scotland. The people there are the friendliest I have ever met.

  4. UK or France

  5. I'd go to England...

    but I don't think we can expect to be completely free of those types of problems, no matter where we go...

  6. Croatia, near Dubrovnik.  Minus the left over land mines

  7. I'd stay in the United States.

    Every country has their problems...the current administration is ours, but that will change soon enough.

  8. Utopia...

    It's right here, right now!

  9. Sounds like you are looking for Norway.   They take care of their people.   Definitely one of the best places in the world.

  10. I have had the opportunity to have traveled all over the world.

    I have been in Korea, China, Japan, Philippines, Bangladesh, India, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Greece, Morocco, Spain, Italy, Portugal, Austria, Germany, France, Switzerland, Belgium, England, Iceland, Holland and I'm sure I left a couple out.

    Having spent time in so many different countries there is only one country I would want to live in and that is the United States of America. This is my home!!!!

  11. I don't think there is or ever has been a place quite as good as you describe! I have been to some super places in the UK,Ireland, Canada etc, but of course every country has no so nice areas too. Sometimes the best thing is to stop looking for 'where the grass is greener' and try to improve what you have at home

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