
Where would you prefer to live Calgary or Victoria BC?

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Where would you prefer to live Calgary or Victoria BC?




  1. OK that is a really hard one!

    I luv Calgary(the prarys) but Victoria OMG so beautiful!

    I would prob live in Victoria but I still luv Calgary!

  2. Oh that's tough. They are both such different cities. There's pros and cons for each.

    I've actually lived in Calgary and it was a nice city, but I don't think I'd ever move back.

    Victoria is just beautiful, but if you don't like the idea of living on an island, then Calgary is your best bet.

    In my opinion I'd pick Victoria because I live in British Columbia and it's amazing here, plus you have the ocean and it's sooo nice there.

    Calgary is prairie land and huge and very spread out. And it gets so cold in the winter. It is cheaper to live, and there's less taxes. And you can make a lot of money there with the amount of jobs there are.

    It really depends what you're looking for, but in my opinion, I'd chose Victoria.

  3. I travel to both cities several tiems a year tho live in Vancouver.

    To pick one to live: Victoria   Winter doesnt begin until late November and daffodils bloom by February while spring is a still a distant dream in calgary.   The ocean, the mountains, the greenery in spite of the winter rain and dipping close to freezing cannot compare to shivering your butt off in 20C below.   Grass stays green  year around and with all the conifers and evergreen bushes you never get that "everythings dead brown and grey feeling" Calgary can give,.

    For Work or to get ahead: Calgary... far more business minded, lots of corporate head offices, growing fast and youthful. Lots of money flowing there,  Banff or Kannaski is 1.5 hours away and offers sking, hiking, camping etc..

    Victoria says its no longer home to "newly wed and nearly dead" but I still find when driving there I almost run into the back of the person in front of me when red lights change green while dottery old folks find their gas pedal.

    As said above, Victoria is on an island, a huge island mind you with lots of places to go and see but still an island seperated from major city Vancouver by an 1.5 hour ferry ride and 2 hour line up.  You want to see a major show or have a big city nite out and your going to have to deal with the boat.

    I guess if I had a decent well paying secure job in either location I would definately take Victoria  

  4. Go to hellobcv  and tourismvictoria  And start packing  

  5. i would choose Victoria. But Calgary is a nice place.

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