
Where would you put yourself on this political spectrum?

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(Not the best but it's the best I can do since I'm trying to use broadly accepted terminology)

1. Liberal

2. Moderate

3. Conservative

4. Libertarian

5. Anarchist

6. Fascist

7. Socialist

8. Communist

I'm an anarchist (the nerdy kind who can't wait to read Hans-Herman Hoppe, not the punk rocker type) and my parents call themselves 'liberals' but are socialists.




  1. anarchist, mixed mutualist/syndicalist

  2. Conservative.  The rest of my extended family is very liberal.

  3. 3

  4. I think I would fall under socialist.

    I know that the term has been associated with some strange people/beliefs, but there core ideals are good.

    I tell most people I am "liberal", kind like your parents - they are close enough to get confused, but being "liberal" is much more socialy exceptable.

  5. I would call myself a Conservative.

  6. I'm so conservative, I'm an anarchist ;)

  7. Libertarian

  8. Conservative.

  9. Liberal, feminist, atheist.

    and I homeschool.

    so much for stereotypes, eh?

  10. Definitely small-L libertarian (I'm not a fan of the actual party, but I consider my political philosophy to be libertarian).

    My little brother (not so little, he's away at college) is libertarian bordering on anarchist, my father is on the conservative end of libertarian (he and I can get some good fights going), and my mom and stepfather are pretty darn liberal (although my mom has been more open to things like school choice ever since she started working for the NYC school system...she's also been more distrusting of the whole concept of government-run anything since she started seeing it first-hand).

    If you are interested in listening to anarchist-libertarian ideas, there's a podcast called Liberty Conspiracy taken from a New Hampshire radio show called Against the Grain. The host is both the nerdy kind of anarchist and also likes punk rock, so you get both in one.

  11. May I propose a 9th option?  


    Okay, seriously I am a conservative.  I am frustrated right now because the only candidate I felt good about is out, and I don't like any of the choices that are left.

    I am considering writing in the name of my dog.

  12. Libertarian ( conservative side)

  13. I really just dont understand, but I've been called a liberal.

    Explain to me where  you learned about all these terms plz.

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