
Where would you rather live Australia or Canada ?

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Where would you rather live Australia or Canada ?




  1. Australia.

    I say this because I have never been to Canada and because Australia is my home :o).

  2. I've got nothing against Canada.

    It's a great country and Canadians are wonderful BUT..

    it's just too darn cold for much of the year.

    I prefer the warmer climate of where I live in Australia.

  3. Deffinately Australia.

    I'm doign a project on it rogth now. And i  am unturning so many kool facts about Australia. Canada is cold. I actually live in a REALLY cold place rigth now.but anyway canada just is kinda quiet and stuff and boring (just from what i've heard(no offense all u canadians out there)) and Australia has alot of wild life and its so cool because it has a lot of culture and stuff because most of the people there, or at least the ancestors were not born in Australia, so its got a lto of cool heritage. plus the guys always seem to be really hot in australia and i'm a sucker for an australian accent. Canadians have accents too (some do at least) but its just nto the same sexyness that australian have.

  4. i'd have to say Australia only because i don't like the cold

  5. I love Australia but I would love to have the experience of living in another country such as Canada/Alaska for a couple of years. What an awesome way to see the country!

  6. Down under is best

  7. My son and family moved to Canada a year ago  from Australia. Although they are enjoying the time there they want to come back home. They are in Vancouver and find it hard with such a lot of rain . They made a mistake and bought a house there and now are going to loose money on it and find it hard to sell. Although the life changeing experience is good for a short time they wished they had've rented because now they are stuck there until the house sells. They miss the good weather Australia has and the outdoor lifestyle.

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