
Where you are in life, as of this moment. How do you feel?

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This morning I woke up and checked on my newborn daughter, Isla. While I just sat in her room and held her, I looked around her room and all I could think was how it all got here.. Little pink clothes and everything. I kind of felt a rush of emotion at the same time. At 27, I have a 2 year old son and a newborn daughter with my wife. I got married at 25 and my wife knew I wanted to have kids in our 30's. But things turned out differently.. Right away, I had to be prepared to be a dad in 9 months. I sometimes think to myself how my life would have turned out if I just stayed single and enjoyed life. But that would mean I wouldn't have my family, "my life." I honestly think things happen for a reason, whether it be good or bad. At first, this was not the life I wanted.. But now, I wouldn't have it any other way.

How do you feel?




  1. I wouldn't want to change anything.  And I agree, I do think things happen for a reason.  I think in your case Isaac, you probably feel a bit overwhelmed at times, with two babies.  But as you say, you definitely wouldn't have it any other way!!  And just think, when you both are in your 40's your kids will be off to college and you'll be able to travel the world while other parents your age will be making sure their toddlers get on the school bus!!!  

    Think about if you actually were single....sure you'd be happy, but then you would be thinking just the opposite, how being married and kids might look appealing to you.  We always think about what could have happened if we wouldn't have married that person...took a different job...moved to a different city, and there's nothing wrong with thinking about those things.  Sometimes it seems like although we're perfectly happy, we wonder if we could have been happier. But we all know deep down we wouldn't want things different.  Congrats on your new baby!!

  2. As of this moment I am answering this question.

  3. In the past six months I finished my Masters Degree, I just got married, got the exact job for the career I wanted and am well on my way to buying a house and starting a family.  

    I could not be happier than to be where I am right now.  

  4. i am 28, got married at 23, we have two wonderful kids, my son is 3 and my daughter is 9 months old...we love our life and the family and everything about it...

    God bless..

  5. You know I am in a wonderful place: ) I am happily married to my wonderful husband of 6 years and we have the best kiddo you could ask for. He is six and I sometimes wonder if any child could be greater. My hubby and I are trying for baby #2 right now and things are great.

  6. Great Question.

    Married now 23 year years.  We have 4 kids (2 boys, 2 girls).  The wife and I in our early 40's and the kids are between 12 and 17 years old.

    We are loving life.  Both of us very active people, at the Gym several times a week and playing Volleyball every week.  It keeps us young and full on energy.  The family is actively attending church and my faith has grown significantly over the last few years.

    I'm a Telecom Engineer and the Wife is a nurse, so money is not a problem.  We are looking forward to the labor day weekend as we get to play volleyball all weekend long!

  7. I have been married for 11 years now, been together 15. When we first met, we went to parties every weekend, concerts, and anything else to have a fun time, now things are a little more mellow.  I am very happy with where my life is going. We have 2 kids together, that came sooner than we planned, but we love them and wouldn't change a thing.

    We don't live in a huge house or have a lot of money, but we got plenty of love. That is all that is important to me, that we are happy and can still laugh at each other, and we can talk for hours. Those two things are important to me that we can make fun of each other and laugh about it and we can just talk nonsense.  

  8. Right now, a little lost.  My husband is upstairs putting our four year old to bed, the almost two year old is already down.  We've been married for eight great years, both have degrees (I actually have an MS as well as my BS), he loves his job, I'm home with the kids.  However, I want to work a little bit outside the home to have adult conversation and make a little extra money, but have no idea doing what.  The hours need to work with being home with the kids, but I'd rather not wait tables or work at Walgreens, you know?  As grateful as I am for the opportunity to stay home, after four years I may be a little stir crazy, I'm not sure.  I know what I want to be doing in five years, when both kids are in school full time, but I'm searching for something in the interim to fill in the gaps.

  9. I feel as though things can only get better from here, I have had a pretty hellish year, but I am trying to stay positive and am starting to look forward to the future yet appreciate every moment of the present.

    As bad as the last year has been I have discovered many things about myself (I still am) and I am beginning to realize what really matters in this life.

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