
Where you aware of this site to get your political 'leaders' to respect your concerns?

by Guest62393  |  earlier

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The UK for the time being is a type of democracy, so lets use it and tell our representatives what we want.

Rather than Y/A, voice it directly to your elected 'representitive' & lets judge them on results.

Good idea?




  1. To be honest!Yes!I got the e-mailing address from this website!I have contacted my MP 4times and each time I have received a reply!The issues I contacted him ranged from The PM must respect the Irish vote through to The resignation of Gordon Brown!Without appearing patronising it is a very useful website to make your views known!!

  2. How?

    With " Crocodile Rock"

    Without getting head chomp off while doing the crocodile rock?

    With two feets getting step on by claw feets?

    When the dead Mummy with whiff of rotten stench of empty skeleton of skull and bones with two empty eye sockets of failures and horrors of the past from the graveyards of different ghostly ancestor's culture and custom could not even see with two empty eye sockets nor think with empty skull with total loss of IQ..

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

    What do you think?

  3. I was unaware of this site so a big thank you!!  

    I will be indeed using it to message my MP, firstly about this farcical EU Treaty.

  4. Yes I am aware of the site and have used it many times. Thank you for the info.

  5. When i speak from the heart i get banned - so i best mug up on Newspeak so i am allowed an opinion in New Labour's Britain.

    I did write to my local MP via this site, and didn't even receive the courtesy of a reply, perhaps it's because i am not a one-legged Lithuanian L*****n with 14 children.

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