
Wheres a good website where i can check out...?

by  |  earlier

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nice lookin' good girls in spandex playin' volleyball




  1. There is no website for that. And you are really gross with a capital G!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. haha...the spandex appeal is probably one of the biggest crowd-drawing factors in volleyball. Don't be offended, be proud that you can pull it off while you can.

    As for your answer, google your question. easy.

  3. freak. go jack off

  4. you should consider trying out for football because I hear that the reason it's called a touchdown is because that's what the players do, but only if you go that way.  :-)

    You shouldn't be using a sport for you personal entertainment.

  5. Whats wrong with you! That's creepy you don't respect women. Its not only for your entertainment, its a real sport. Maybe you shouldn't go to anymore games. You have problems

  6. Your such a boy!! lol

    I love how you got these girls worked up! very funny!

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