
Wheres the best place to buy a plasma tv for my room under 500 dollars??

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Wheres the best place to buy a plasma tv for my room under 500 dollars??




  1. My advice to you is don't go plasma-everyone told us that but we still bought a 42" Sylvania  plasma at Sears and it lasted not quite 8 months and we have now been without our tv for 9 months and still waiting.We have been told by Sylvania and also 2 salesmen at Best Buy that it is very common for plasma tvs to have problems and when they do they must be sent in because it has to be an authorized repair center and it is that way for all brands of plasma-we spent $1900 on our tv and it didn't even make it a year so I don't know what you would get for $500. We listened to the guy at Best Buy and have an LCD  now while we are waiting for our other and we are happy! Thank you and Good luck

  2. Look dont listen to this ppl i was searching for a tv for a long time now and i got it finally!!!! First thing dont buy plasma it wont last long.  But if u are going to buy one go to Sears they have very good close out specials.  I just bought one is 47inch plasma from Sam's club for $600  bad *** deal trust me.  But u should buy LCD from Office depot they have very good deals just ask them for their specials.  And if u dont mind driving go to Fry's Electronics there is one in Dallas on 635, then there is one on 75 also in dallas They have best deal on electronics go there on fridays and sundays they have specials there... If u find a TV u want but not sure if its a good deal just send me an email ill let u know.

    Have fun TV shopping ;)

  3. Walmart is selling this one.....

    Hurry, it won't last forever....

    But if you want it under $500 you'll have to go to Fantasyland or The World of Tomorrow and try to get Goofy the Salesman to let you have it for that price.....


    I'm not sure if they still have stores anywhere (they don't in my state...) but they have really really good prices

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