
Wheres the strangest place you have woke up?

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for me? in a lift in a hotel




  1. In a hospital bed with a doctor putting stiches in my head, Really weird !!.

  2. my sister used to fall asleep on the toilet and would fall in the bath.  She also fell asleep on the tube once and ended up at the depot!  Nothing exciting for me though.

  3. same here, i had to get to someones aparment on the 23rd floor,  in a very crowded elevator, i can fall asleep practically anywhere...but at least i woke up by the time i got to the right floor..

  4. Locked in a strangers garage after a drunken night of arguing with a friend, and yes, he was still my friend the next day, and came and got me, wow that was weird! :) (1981)

  5. on a bridge about to fall into the way of splash mountain in disney land while a parade was going on

  6. On a bus two hours from home

  7. On a train in the depot with a very irate driver shoving me awake


  8. in a police station

  9. in a field 200 yards from my house why i dont know and it was probably the worst hangover ever . look forward to doing it again

  10. In a hospital bed after having a brain tumour removed which came as a bit of a shock  cos I was not aware of having  any such ailment  apparently I had a seizure and lapsed into unconsciousness at 730 am the previous morning  woke up at 11;00pm the next day with a sore head  and  a bandage and lots of venflons hanging out of my arm and a catheter hanging out of a more personal part of my body  absolutely  crying out 4 a cup of coffee or tea and a ciggy

  11. ...On a beach in Salou - thought I was in my hotel in Reus!

  12. My daughter fell asleep at the departure gate in Dubai airport and missed her flight

  13. On the floor.

  14. In France!  Got on a plane in Manchester bound for London or so i thought, fell asleep, woke up in Paris...who new?

  15. in a prison cell.

    not very nice

  16. On the front porch of a home near the Indianapolis Speedway. These people opened up their home to everyone and put up cots and mattresses. AND it was raining, we had to party again the next weekend.

  17. In your moms bed

  18. I walked out of a pub one night and went back to my old bedroom at my parents house,i had been living in my own house for 5 years.Can't remember a thing.Took me a while to realise where i was when i woke up.A friend of mine went to a house party once,she woke up the next morning in a field with a load of cows sniffing at her,the field was 2 miles from the house party,til this day she doesnt know how she got there.She was very lucky nothing happened to her,we all keep a close eye on her now,ha,ha.Another friend went to Birmingham with me and my fella,he got pissed in the airport and fell asleep,i don't know how we done it put we got him on the plane and home,his last memory was having a pint in Birmingham,the next thing he woke up in his bed in Northern Ireland,imagine the paranoia,ha,ha.

  19. in the my the wheel......doing some silly speed down a motorway one early morning.......woken by the rumble strip....yeah I was that close to the scared me soooooooo bad now I never drive tired!

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