
Wheres the strangest place you met someone who became a good friend?

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weird week.




  1. the strangest place i met 2 ppl, is my local dept. store. i mety 1 person yrs ago & the other's been floating around there 4 a while b 4 i got 2 meet her & she even became a good friend. both friends work @ that local dept. store. the 1's going 2 florist school, & will b gradu8ing next yr. she's planning 2 move out west closer 2 her family. i'm a future astronaut in school, this summer, i was in contact w/ some NASA Glenn workers & I felt right @ home @ the open house. i felt a belonging i simply cannot even begin 2 describe. the 1 frienda mine has a bro who just moved 2 houston, where i'd like 2 move. gimme MY way i'd b floating among the stars, landing on all the moons out there. if i had MY way about things, i'd go 4 launch @ a moment's notice, which BTW, is how i got my surprise ride in a Sikorsky S-76 A Helicopter. i now celbr8 that day as a personal holiday. that day is when i like 2 do something special.

    Best Wishes!!!

  2. she was already my friend from school but coincidentally I met her at my uncle's wedding. She was the next door neighbour of the bride's family.Weird.

  3. ladies toilet, i was first in que but let her go first as she was doing a weird dance, when i came out she had brought me a drink to say thanks.

  4. At a funeral, we both knew the deceased...but not each other.

  5. peace corps, met my now husband.

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