
Wheres this £30 million going to come from, exactly?

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So we're sliding into recession, many British families are facing poverty as the "credit crunch" hits businesses and jobs are lost. This will have a knock on effect when these families can't pay their mortgages/rent and are made homeless, needing emergency help and rehousing which will end up in many cases being grotty B&Bs because the Government say they "can't afford" to build more council houses.

In fact when I wrote to the Welsh Assembly asking why we were unable to access funding help for my working but low waged partner to retrain and earn a better wage we were told this was due to "finite resources".

So where has this £30 million magically appeared from, Gordon?

Seems resources aren't maybe so "finite" after all, eh?




  1. Its coming from you and me.

    It's going to people Brown would like to see coming to this country who no doubt will vote Labour.

    When they arrive they will be supported by you and me.

    You and me will suffer even worse as British residents in our own country.

  2. i entirely agree.

    where exactly is this vast sum of money coming from?

    & won't israel see it as a form of spite?

    straight out of tax-payers pockets,

    i guess.

    AND proving yet again ( sadly ) when it comes to UK tax-payers,


    brown's lost the plot.

  3. now be fair, the conditions of the Palestinians are terrible. imagine if you lived in an area where power, light and water were not guaranteed and you lived under constant threat of attack (I don't mean Newcastle...). surely you would expect the 5th richest nation on earth to help you out?

  4. I'M NOT SURE WHICH £30 m you are referring to but it will probably be borrowed leaving future tax payers with even more debt!

  5. Hi LadyMoon,

    If you read the article carefully it says "pledge" - don't worry, it'll be like all his other pledges and promises ..... fizzle into nothing.

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