
Wheres your best place to go surfing?

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Wheres your best place to go surfing?




  1. rub a dub dub in the tub, in the least g*y fashion...

  2. Bolsa Chica, CA

  3. Cocoa Beach FL

  4. On the internet.

  5. The Cape, Hanalei, HI

  6. Fiji and Tahiti

  7. San Onofre, California

  8. Near the sea.

  9. anywhere in the atlantic ocean because its warn and its easir i think

  10. Austalia south east queensland (straddie,spit,burliegh,kirra,snapper,d-... new south wales(cabarita,byron,lennox,coffs)... to april get cyclone swell and june this year has been good consistant winter swells,summer should be good..I stared surfing in 1988 and will surf forever,

  11. in the water

  12. Australia mate

  13. Jeffrey's Bay, South Africa for an amazing, long right point break.

    Teahupoo, Tahiti for the heaviest barrel of your life.

    Pipeline, Hawaii for an intense barrel.. and it's the proving grounds of the sport.

    Cortes Bank or Mavericks, or possibly Jaws for big wave riding.

    And a island paradise in some tropical location with only you and a few friends out.

  14. Pipe!!!...north shore

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