
Wherever you are in North America,is it cold?And do think it is time to tell global warming advocate to shelf?

by Guest64564  |  earlier

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their theory once and for all?




  1. global warming my arss!  chicagoland under snow advisory.  feels like five degrees out there.  should have about a foot of snow tommorrow.  i will tell the snowplow guys to take it the nearest polar cap.

  2. Global warming is a bunch of democratic c**p

  3. It is cold at my location.  This morning it was -31 C. 12hours later it is -17C.  It has warmed 14 degrees in 12 hours.  By your logic global warming must be true.  In another 12 hours the forecast is -9 C and global warming will still be true.  In 24 hours it is expected to be -27C and global warming will be at an end.  You win.  How about a rematch in July?

  4. dose that prove that the earth is cooling? no.

    these repeated arguments about local weather and global climate are just stupid.

    as you can see temps are rising and not falling.

    BTW do you realise that polar bares are endangered because of the loss of pack ice.

  5. Global warming theories do not suggest that it will cease getting cold in the winter.  Rather, cold spells will become less frequent and less intense gradually over a period of time.  I'm surprised you didn't know that.

  6. Oh no.  The enviro-fascists  will just tell you that examples of record breaking cold or snow don't count.  Only data that supports THEIR argument counts.  That's how they operate.  They don't let facts get in the way of their doom and gloom propaganda.  Isn't it odd that a world deep in the throes of "global warming" could see snow in Bagdad, for the first time in 50 years?

  7. Yes! State College PA is FREEZING right now!!!

  8. dude nobody explained to al gore about summer so every year when it gets hot he freaks out like an idiot and all the idiots in america follow him. its called summer you mental r****d. does he blame the ice age on the animals get the h**l over it.

  9. Am I right, Record cold spell don`t count ,,but record heat spell does count

  10. haters hate all, peace lovers want the best for all.

    its cold here, but that does not change the fact that there is Global Climate Change happening

    NeoCon Republican = Hater

    hate /heɪt/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[heyt] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation verb, hat·ed, hat·ing, noun

    –verb (used with object)

    1. to dislike intensely or passionately; feel extreme aversion for or extreme hostility toward; detest: to hate the enemy; to hate bigotry.

    Liberal = Love

    /Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation

    Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation noun, verb, loved, lov·ing.


    1. a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person.

    2. a feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection, as for a parent, child, or friend.

  11. its freezing in MI and we're going to get 10 inches of snow over night

  12. yea it's winter

  13. No matter what, the climate is changing. I am pissed to  be living during this time of human civilization!

  14. Most of the warming should occur in the coldest places according to the greenhouse theory.   It hasn't worked out very well in Green Bay lately or back in my hometown in South Dakota.  Still greenhouse gases should moderate the winter temperatures and only a fool would think that was necessarily a bad thing.  I don't understand those that fret over a warm day (a degree or two warmer).

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