
Whether 40 GB is Higher strength? or not?

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Whether 40 GB is Higher strength? or not?




  1. 40 GB is capacity of your Hard disk, or other media capable to store the  data.

  2. I think your asking is 40 GB a more powerful laptop or pc?

    well alot of people get confused or mis-understand what GB means,

    GB (Gigabyte) is a measurement of space on your computer. like MB (Megabyte)

    1024 Megabyte is 1 Gigabyte

    think of it like this.....

    if you take a few digital camera photos, depending on how large a memory card you have for your digital camera will total how many photos you can store on that memory card. each photo is around 1-3 Megabytes for example.

    with a computer, you have 40GB space on it?

    so if you have windows xp or vista on it, then it will take up so many GB on your pc once you have windows on it, then you install lets say some pictures on it, music and videos and some software......

    when you power up that computer it loads from your 40GB C Drive, starts ticking away and loading this into other separate memory chips in your computer called RAM memory (or sometimes called "System Memory")

    System memory is different, it`s where the computer loads things from the C drive and holds it in there so you can load up your computer to work with it.

    on a windows xp updated machine, i would recommend these days to have a smoothly running laptop or computer to have at least 1024mb ram or 1gb of ram.

    on vista is best to have at least 2gb or 2056mb of ram memory for it to be smoothly running if your wanting to do decent things on it.

    then we have the other element on a computer that counts to how powerful it is. and this is the CPU (Central Processing Unit)

    this is the main BRAIN of the computer, to make it simple think of it like a big calculator......

    years ago Intel brought out various processors getting better and better in speed that they can do calculations, and the speed was mesured and still is, in hz (now Gigahertz) which is the frequency that they run at, meaning SPEED they run at.

    Pentium 1 100Ghz for example

    Pentium 2 400Ghz for example

    Pentium 3 1.2Ghz for example

    Pentium 4 2.3Ghz for example

    the problem intel had after this, was getting the chips to cool enough, as the higher they made the speed the hotter the chips got!!

    now on most modern computers what they do is put 2x the processors inside the one chip.

    so now they have brought out dual core technology

    you may have seen adverts on the tv saying Centrino Duo

    this is basically 2x Pentium chips inside the one chip. so you can do more things at once on your computer so it can have more headroom to work without relying on the one chip to run.

    now even quad core chips are on the market so they are getting more and more powerful as the years go by :)

  3. ur question makes no sense. maybe this will help

    1,024 bytes = 1 kilobyte

    1,024 kilobytes = 1 megabyte

    1,024 megabytes = 1 gigabyte

    1,024 gigabytes = 1 terrabyte

  4. higher strength than what? what exactly are you comparing it to?

  5. strength?

    most common hdds are susceptible  to shock/falls

    get a solid sate hard drive if you want a durable/strong hard drive

  6. It really depends what you're talking about. If you mean of harddrive space... it's just space that you can have on your computer. It doesn't affect the performance of the machine.

  7. nowadays hardware cost is coming down so go for 80 or 160 GB

    40 GB is fair enough if u dont want to store movies and songs in bulk

  8. It's not much capacity any more.  I think you are talking storage space.  A few years ago it would have been. You can always get an external hard drive.  It's more memory that you need. 2GB of memory would be good and a faster processing speed.  Is it an older computer?  My guess is that you have a 256k modem?

  9. it is 80gb

  10. Thats not higher strength, better go for another option  

  11. GB is nothing to do with strength. It is a drive size measurement. You don't say higher than what?

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