
Whether kidney stones can be treated with homeopathy or Ayurveda or Allopathy without surgery or lithortripsy?

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kidney stones of small size say upto 10MM




  1. Let it pass through naturally

  2. Yes I belive they can be dissolved in most cases by natural therapies, ayurveda and Homeopathy. You can check out web or a natural therapy book.  "Kulathi Ki Daal" for kidney stones has been found to be effective.

    Email/message me if you need more details.

  3. no its not possible, u have to drink lot of water but possibility are only 1%, and 10mm stone can be remove by only auyrved or laser surgey

  4. someone told me 2 beers-guzzled, i say swallow pop rocks whole with a sip of water, another said a big gob of parsley

  5. Homeopathy is of no benefit to the treatment of ureterolithiasis, neither is Ayurveda.  A 10mm stone is extremely large and will not pass without surgical intervention.

  6. yes, it can be treated through homeopathy.

  7. 10mm is not small they say anything bigger than 3 u need surgery.   they put u to sleep for it tho so u just wake up pissing blood.

  8. Well...

    In 1991 I had met with an accident that had left me paralyzed in the right arm. C1-C7 of the spinal cord was affected! I had lost the ability to grip a pen or lift a loaf of bread even!

    2008. Present time : I am using both my hands to type right now!!

    Credit goes to homeopathy for my recovery. All top-notch (!) neuro surgeons had - very professionally - washed their hands off my case.

    However, it was my friend's faith in homeopathy, and his taking up of my case as a challenge that not only did I recover from paralysis but I also qualified the demanding entrance tests and rigorous medicals to join military training to become an officer.

    I have firm faith in homeopathy. Though science based medicine or allopathy is really needed alt. med. cannot be discarded. Ample proofs support my contention.

    As a result of my recovery due to homeopathy I became quite interested in the discipline. I am neither a doctor nor someone with a science / biology background nor qualified to suggest medicine / treatment to any one. However, as a result of my 'hobby' & extensive reading and deep study of homeopathy I have treated cases (within my friend circle / relatives) of stones and hypertension to full recovery - through homeopathy (!) - something beyond conventional allopathy!

    Can allopathy cure arthritis, hypertension, diabetes and High Lipid levels. No!! Only temporary relief is possible. That too is not without side effects! Statins (drugs to lower cholesterol) have resulted in heart problems in some people!

    Through homeopathy I am presently treating (1) an 8 yr old girl who has stones in her gall-bladder, (2) a 49 yr. old man suffering from 'disc prolapse' and arthritis, (3) a 51 yr old man suffering from diabetes, (4) a 54 yr old man suffering from hypertension. I am not charging any money from them. Each case is a challenge for me.

    Hom. & ayurveda are useful only as long as they are right in hands! Through homeopathy paralysis, arthritis, etc., can be 'created' in healthy individuals! Nobody becomes a successful homeopath merely by perusing materia medica alone! Numerous other factors contribute to a positive outcome. Scope of losing a case is immense otherwise! Each case is unique in homeopathy. In allopathy paracetamol will be prescribed to virtually everyone suffering from fever. In hom., however, every case will usually be treated in a holistic manner, paying special attn. to certain key elements.

    At present, I am working on the cure for 'poly-cystic ovary', 'fallopian tube blockage' (inability to conceive) and iron deficiency due to heavy menses.


    I had written this very answer in response to another query.

    I do not know why people are so skeptical!    Maybe for trust / belief to occur they require a miracle cure.

    I wish I was a doctor.  I would have been in a position to help numerous people then.

    Can somebody suggest a degree / diploma course that will enable me to acquire a formal, legal certificate & license to practise?


    Have the tests cofirmed presence of stones in the body?

    If yes, do you know what kind of stones they are?

    Don't just jump onto the alternative therapy cart.  In homeopathy wrong medicine and dose can in fact create or aggravate the problem!

    I know of a guy who started out on his own to cure his wife's eye infection through homeopathy.  The wife ended up losing her eyesight in both eyes!!  His wife paid for his smartness.

    In hom. med is not given merely for a certain illness, rather for a certain person with a certain temperament, nature and personality.  Homeopathy does not provide a single, standard medicine for an ailment to every individual. Every case is unique. And, therefore the medicine is person specific.  Not knowing who the person really is, and knowing the implications of an incorrect prescription as a result of absence of this crucial piece of information the ethics of the discipline prevent me from recommending anything to you.

    All I can say is that unbelievable things are possible through homeopathy and yoga.

    If everything appears a joke to you still then Mohan pyaare could I have qualified  the medicals of UPSC if I had paralysis?

  9. Water extract of OATS are helpful to relieve this condition.

    ~Boil Oats with sufficient water to prepare a dilute tea.This tea can be taken in a dose of 1ounce (25 ml) , 3 times a day in between meals, for a month.

    ~Homeopathic mother tincture of Avena sativa (wild oats) can be taken in a dose of 5-10 drops in an ounce (25ml) of water, 3 times a day,between meals.

    ~Avena setiva 200 (a homeopathic potentised remedy) can be taken (2 drops in an ounce of water / 3-5 globules) at bedtime, once a week,for a month.

    ~Dr.Bach's flower remedies has a remedie of wild oats.5-10 drops of it in an ounce of water 3 times of day for 1 month can be taken for a month.

    ~If you have luck and Gods Grace, the stone may crumble and pass out naturally.

    ~Drink plenty of pure water and also,water of the coconut and diluted fresh fuit juice.

    All the best, Hope you get well soon!

  10. It is not necessary to have surgery.  My 11.4mm size stone came out with water therapy.  Doctor gave me 4 bottles of water through Intra Venous along with medicine(antibiotic to ensure that no infection is there). The water is passed through at higher speed.  The stone disintergrates in to smaller pieces and come out.  Of course it took 3 sessions on three consecutive days. Homeopathy also works well.

  11. Perhaps you can dissolve them and flush them out with cranberry juice or some other means that you can find in a web search for "kidney stones" + dissolve.

  12. I can definitely help you with this one I am an herb specialist with naturessunshine and I have had these several times and I dissolved mine with HYDRANGEA and I also took some herbal calcium to help pull them out and drink distilled water!!

    You can get hydrangea on my website at and also teh herbal calcium it is called HERBAL CA they are not expensive either.

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